Created at 10am, Jan 5
Unreliable Narrator in Video Games
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Ben: Nevada City? I thought Plummer met his maker in Bannack, Montana? Old Silas: Right, well, he was Sheriff in both places at one time or another, but thats neither here nor there. The player clashes with Henry Plummer in the boss fight of this episode. Killing him ends this episode. 48 Old Silas says that he had heard that Bob was in Kansas with John Wesley Hardin. Bob asks: Where in Kansas? Old Silas: Abilene. Why do you ask, Ben? Ben: No reason This scene is an example of Ben's growing suspicion as the story moves towards the finale. Episode 4: John Wesley Hardin Young Silas gets caught in the middle of a battle in a town square in Abilene as the scene opens. Old Silas says he was there to find Bob and capture John Wesley.
id: 947fb6ea0e2e2ba05dca72b61a027c19 - page: 61
Ben: I thought the Texas Rangers got Hardin? Old Silas: Yeah, thats what they want you to believe The player enters the saloon in Abilene where Old Silas is telling stories to his companions. Old Silas tells him that Hardin is waiting for him there. The screen goes black. Hardin enters. Old Silas says he will tell Hardin's story before the shooting starts. The image fades to the past. Young silas wanders the countryside before arriving in Abilene that night. According to Old Silas, Hardin had organized a gang of killers and Bob could be with them. Young Silas clashes with the gang members here and then heads into town. The scene from the beginning of the episode is repeated and the player clashes with the enemies in the town square. After entering the same bar, Old Silas sarcastically remarks that he sensed some hostility towards him that night as he clashed with the gang members. After killing the members in the bar, the John Wesley
id: 99ccbcbb9ee8c10d7681452491b59e45 - page: 62
Hardin cutscene begins. The player duels with Hardin inside the bar. Old Silas says that Hardin was very drunk that night and that he was at Silas' mercy. Old Silas explains that he sent him to prison, where, according to him, he was killed years later by avengers. The statistics screen opens. Dwight asks about Bob, but Ben changes the subject and asks about his other adventures. 49
id: 82827029eee2ea1230bdd47bd49381b7 - page: 62
Episode 5: Grey Wolf Old Silas tells Grey Wolf that he is after him for the bounty on his head. The player starts controlling his avatar on the mountain slopes. Apaches attack the player and the player has to fight Apaches for a long way. The player then enters the caves in search of the Grey Wolf. They meet in a flooded cave, but the Grey Wolf does not attack the player, instead giving advice and disappearing. When the screen goes black and comes back on, the player finds himself in a campsite. They are surrounded by enemies. Meanwhile, Grey Wolf's speeches are heard. While the player is fighting, suddenly the scene returns to the cave and Apaches surround and attack. Rocks form steps in front of the player. The player tries to get out of the cave. When the player comes out, they see the Grey Wolf and give chase. When Old Silas says that he is chasing Grey Wolf to solve this ridiculous mystery: Jack: Mumbo jumbo is right Are you making this all up as you go?
id: 6d8c4391e484af50b2abeea3cd5487a6 - page: 63
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