Created at 3pm, Mar 24
t2ruvaArtificial Intelligence
Use of ChatGPT in education and testing
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There has been a lot of buzz in the media aboutChatGPT since last year, a chatbot based on artificialintelligence. It is also discussed a lot at the HU. In thisguide, we want to inform lecturers about ChatGPTand the opportunities or areas of concern we see inrelation to our education.By Rogier Neefe (Digital Learning Environment) and Karin Vogelaar(Office of Education, Research & Student Affairs)

A first tip is to enter your own test assignment into ChatGPT ( ) and see for yourself what the chatbot comes up with. This gives you a basis to look at the students work. A possible sign Chat GPT has been used is that the text submitted is written very generally, a fairly generic story without specific examples. If you know the student a bit, you might also notice that the style differs from what the student normally submits. Although a mistake creeps in here and there, ChatGPT formulates texts almost flawlessly. So, remarkably few spelling errors may also be a sign. For now, ChatGPT is trained with texts until 2021. So you can also check whether or not it uses more recent sources. While the programme can generate source-identified texts, it still relies heavily on fairly general standard works and does not list page numbers for sources used. The lack of specific and current source use is therefore a possible signal.
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If you suspect an irregularity in a test (product), you must report this to the examination board of your institute. The examination board is authorised to investigate and may impose a sanction. Tests that have not started yet For the current academic year, the test formats are in principle fixed. If you have serious doubts about the test format, you can discuss this with the examination committee. Of course, you can also make adjustments within the existing test format. Developments are moving fast and undoubtedly ChatGPT will learn to deal with this in the longer term. Below are a few tips for adapting an existing test format. Making the question more specific. For example, you could ask to: o reflect on specific sources used,
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From the pupil and student perspective Pupils use the advanced ChatGPT text generator for all kinds of homework assignments, without lecturers having a clue its not real. Over 250 pupils reported to NIS confirming they use the software for school assignments.
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(Source: A conversation with a couple of students reveals a different picture. They look at ChatGPT in education in different ways. Some see it as a tool to ask better questions and get inspiration for assignments or research. Others see little difference between ChatGPT and other resources they already regularly use and incorporate into their professional products. However, they do indicate that they tend to spend less time on assignments and use ChatGPT more when they experience assignments as not very meaningful and only have to complete them 'to get a passing mark. 3 o compare with the current situation (2022-2023), o examples from one's own practice. Asking less for written text but letting students do more things. Correctly include the use of ChatGPT in the test assignment and adjust the norms accordingly.
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How to Retrieve?
# Search

curl -X POST "" \
-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"rerank": true, "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "pamKkxYRSZZGPJTfNRd8QIqt4gb-3ZNDudq-2bmQBEc", "query": "What is alexanDRIA library?"}'
# Query

curl -X POST "" \
-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"vector": [0.123, 0.5236], "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "pamKkxYRSZZGPJTfNRd8QIqt4gb-3ZNDudq-2bmQBEc", "level": 2}'