Created at 1pm, Apr 7
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Human Rights and the UN Universal Periodic Review Process
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The UPR process is guided by several principles, including universality, equality, impartiality, objectivity, and non-selectivity. It provides an opportunity for states to share best practices, engage in dialogue, and strengthen their human rights records.However, the effectiveness of the UPR process relies heavily on the willingness of states to engage in genuine dialogue, implement recommendations, and address human rights concerns within their borders. While the UPR serves as a valuable mechanism for promoting human rights, its impact ultimately depends on the commitment of states to uphold their obligations and responsibilities under international human rights law.

An example of this can be demonstrated through the UPR Project at BCUs engagement with the UKs Cycle 4 review. In September 2022, following its submission of two stakeholder reports,98 the UPR Project spoke at the 41st Pre-Session in Geneva regarding the United Kingdom in advance of its Cycle 4 review in November 2022. This allowed for other government delegations to consider key themes for their recommendations, including the Bill of Rights Bill, the rights of migrants, asylum seekers, and refugees, detention and imprisonment, and racism.99 Subsequently, we were also invited to attend the Informal Exchange of Views with EU Member States on the same key themes, prior to the United Kingdoms review. Whilst in Geneva, we met with UN government delegations and discussed what is required to help to achieve protection of human rights in the United Kingdom, ultimately leading to imp
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98 These reports focused on womens rights (including access to abortion and domestic abuse) and minorities and deprivation of liberty and are available at research/centre-forhuman-rights/consultancy/upr-project-at-bcu/upr-project-at-bcu-uk accessed 25 April 2023. 99 See The UPR Project at BCU, Joint-Submission of the BCU Centre for Human Rights and 4 Kings Bench Walk, Inner Temple (29 August 2022) available at accessed 15 July 2023. Being present in Geneva allowed for the meeting of other UK CSOs that had submitted stakeholder reports and were attending the Pre-Session. Whilst engaging in these dialogues, we reflected upon the fact that CSOs in the United Kingdom must be better informed on the modalities of the UPR and to see that the United Kingdom gover
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One of the United Kingdoms three NHRIs, the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), should be commended as it also understood this need and thereafter created the funded project titled Universal Periodic Review 2022 Civil Society Engagement. The funding bid was awarded to the UPR Project at BCU, allowing us to provide training events for the UKs CSOs, including a live streaming of the UKs UPR, a conference to help equip CSOs, a symposium in the UK Parliament, and a roundtable discussion for members of the United Kingdoms legal profession.100 100 The project materials are available at research/centre-for-humanrights/consultancy/upr-project-at-bcu/upr-project-at-bcu-uk accessed 15 July 2023. On 27 March 2023, the UK government presented its responses to the HRC, and this allowed for the UPR Project to publish a timely Briefing Doc
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Amongst our
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