Created at 2pm, Mar 30
Is Islam A Religion of Peace?
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One of the most troubling and controversial doctrines in Islam is that of jihad. Yet, in the West its meaning is unclear. Does it mean the struggle of the human soul to develop a wholesome spirituality, or is it more a struggle that results in terrorist attacks upon all who oppose Islam? Many politicians and academics in the West, along with many journalists and opinion-makers in the mainstream media insist that Islam, rightly understood, is a religion of peace. That means that Islamic jihadists who engage in wanton terrorism upon all who stand in their way are an aberration. They are interlopers and hijackers of this religion. This paper argues that the Qur’an, which Muslims insist is a timelessly relevant document, argues otherwise. So too does the Hadithic literature, which is also regarded as sacred in Islam, argue otherwise. Furthermore, Islamic theologians since the seventh century have insisted that jihad requires violent attacks upon the enemy. Only in the early twentieth century has a version of Islam emerged that is moderate in its orientation, and thereby stands opposed to militant jihad. Reformed Islam, a version of Islam that emerged in the late twentieth century, also stands opposed to militant jihad. Yet, the paper argues that far from being an aberration, fundamentalist Islam has a long pedigree within Islam and must be recognized as such. To do otherwise is to misunderstand the religion—and with misunderstandings come misapplications. When the nature of militant jihad is considered, especially as it has been presented in the Gaza Strip and Israel in recent days, careful and correct analyses of this religion are most important.

Democracy and freedom are an affront to Allah. All constitutions are an offense to Allah and must be destroyed and replaced with Sharia Law. For Muslims, Sharia Law is the Rule of LawSharia is the legal code ordained by Allah for all mankind. To violate Sharia or not accept its authority is to commit rebellion against Allah, which Allahs faithful are required to combatIt is the long term goal of Islam to replace the U. S. Constitution with the Sharia, since it contradicts Islam. For that matter, democracy violates Sharia law. Democracy assumes equality of all peoples. Islam teaches that a Muslim is a better person than kafirs [infidels] and that the kafirs should submit to Islam. But in voting, a Muslims vote is equal to a kafirs vote. This violates Islamic law since a Muslim and a kafir are never equal.20 Such a view is echoed by many Islamic jurists who portray democracy as
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Syed Abu al-Maududi (1903-1979) acknowledged that Sharia stands opposed to the principles of democracy that typify many nations in the West. He commented: In such a state no one can regard any field of his affairs as personal and private. Considered from this aspect the Islamic State bears a resemblance to the Fascist and Communist states.21 That said, Maududi was not opposed to Sharia, he merely stated the obvious. In addition, Asaf Ali Asghar Fyzee, a moderate Muslim scholar from India, also acknowledged that Sharia and the ideals of democracy stand opposed to one another. Nevertheless, he favored democracy: The mind and conscience of man is free. He must be permitted to believe what he will in respect of the ultimate things in the universe, and he 20 Jake Neuman, God of Moral Perfection (East Sussex: Gardners Books, 2009), 23. Also see Larry Mead and David Sagar, Fundamentals of Ethics (Amsterdam: CIMA/Elsevier, 2006), 33, 34.
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21 Syed Abul Maududi, Islamic Law and Constitution, transl. Khurshid Ahwad (Lahore, Pakistan: Islamic Publications, Ltd., 1980), 146. Page 155 Is Islam a Religion of Peace? cannot be fettered in his faith and imagination. There is thus an internal strife in Islam[T]he ageless concepts of religious law [i.e., Sharia] come into conflict with modern civil law [i.e., democracy].22 The goal, Fyzee added, is to give a fresh meaning to the faith of Islam.23 Though the message of the Quran is eternal, it must be understood within the context of the science, philosophy, psychology, metaphysics, and theology of the modern world.24 And this means, among many things, that Sharia must be replaced with the ideals of democracy. The trend in modern Islamic states is to adopt hardline legal codes
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According to the 2013 Pew Research Center report, for example, 99% of Muslims in Afghanistan, 91% of Muslims in Iraq, 84% of Muslims in Pakistan, and 74% of Muslims in Egypt want Sharia to be the official law of their respective countries. In addition, 86% of American Muslims opposed suicide bombing. This means that 14% of American Muslims (roughly 460,000 people) approved of suicide bombing.25 Reasons for such a strong support for Sharia are due to its connection to the Quran. Though Sharia did not officially come into existence until the eighth century, when the 114 quranic surahs were collected, canonized, and bound into a single volume,26 Sharia is indisputably rooted in the era of Muhammad (seventh century) when the Surahs were allegedly first spoken to Muhammad by the Archangel Gabriel and then repeated by Muhammad to his Muslim followers.
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