Created at 9am, Mar 27
ProactiveHealth & Lifestyle
An Exact Solution for Allocating Car Parking Spaces on Campus
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An Exact Solution for Allocating Car ParkingSpaces on Campus

ZN has a staff population of approximately 4300 people, and about 40% of this were from Westville Campus, which is approximately 1720 people. Obviously, not all the 1720 people will need a parking space, so about 75% of the Westville Campus staff iSTEAMS Research, Nexus 2013 5 require parking spaces, which gives us a population of 1290 users demanding parking spaces. A look at the available parking spaces is necessary for the efficient calculation of the ratio of demand to supply of parking spaces on Westville campus. Hence, from Table 1, we are to allocate 1047 parking spaces to 1290 users with some reserved consideration. There are several buildings and parking lots in Westville Campus but twelve(12) out of these buildings and six(6) out of these parking lots are used in the study. A break down of the users demanding parking in each of this building is given in Table 2. The distance cost from each building to each parking lot is calculated and given in Table 3. Table 1: Available Par
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Ak and 6 Luke O.J., Sawyerr B.A and Adewumi A.O. Table 3: The Distance Cost Building Parking Lots 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 255 270 440 165 285 610 2 150 165 335 60 180 505 3 165 180 320 75 195 490 4 120 135 275 120 150 445 5 270 285 260 105 200 430 6 180 150 215 195 60 485 7 60 90 320 150 180 490 8 90 60 290 165 150 400 9 350 320 210 260 245 90 10 440 410 120 350 335 180 11 320 290 60 230 215 200 12 335 305 75 245 230 215 p (p(1 p)Ak) , where p is the probability of a user brin
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Goyal & Gomes observed that in order to get equal probability for all the users, the equation in (7) must be satisfied p Nk p.Ak (p(1 p)Ak) = (7) Getting the value of enables us to calculate the total number of permit issued for the kth parking lot. However, In order to obtain the value of that will be used to calculate the total number of permit
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The resultant equation is the quadratic equation in (8). n 2 2Xn k=1 p Nk 2(p.TU Xn k=1 Nk) = 0 (8) Solving the quadratic equation in (8), the value of obtained is used to get the values of Ak in equation (9): Ak = (2Nk + 2 ) 2p (Nk) 2p (9) iSTEAMS Research, Nexus 2013 7 Parking Permit Calculation The numbers of parking permit to be issued for each parking lot are calculated. These numbers are only calculated for the parking lots that are not entirely for reserved parking, since the numbers of parking permit issued cannot be greater than the numbers of available parking spaces in a reserved parking. Hence, the number of parking permit issued will not be calculated for parking lot 2 and 5. We subtract the number of parking spac
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