Created at 9pm, Jan 4
Candide by Voltaire
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\'Candide\' is a satirical novella written by the French Enlightenment philosopher and author Voltaire. First published in 1759, the work is a biting critique of the prevailing philosophical optimism of the time and offers a scathing commentary on various social, religious, and political issues.The narrative follows the protagonist, Candide, a young and naive man who is taught the philosophy of optimism by his mentor, Pangloss. According to Pangloss, they live in the \'best of all possible worlds.\' However, Candide's experiences are anything but optimal. He faces a series of calamities, including war, natural disasters, and personal tragedies, which force him to reevaluate the optimistic philosophy he was taught.As Candide navigates a world filled with hypocrisy, corruption, and absurdity, the novella serves as a vehicle for Voltaire's criticism of organized religion, societal norms, and the shortcomings of philosophical optimism. Through a series of misadventures and encounters with various characters, Candide gradually comes to embrace a more practical and realistic outlook on life.\'Candide\' is celebrated for its wit, humor, and the sharpness of its social and philosophical satire. Voltaire's work remains relevant and influential, continuing to be studied for its timeless exploration of the human condition and its challenges to prevailing ideas of optimism in the face of sometimes harsh and unpredictable reality.

"I grant all you say," said Cacambo, "but we have still two sheep remaining, with more treasure than the King of Spain will ever have; and I see a town which I take to be Surinam, belonging to the Dutch. We are at the end of all our troubles, and at the beginning of happiness." As they drew near the town, they saw a negro stretched upon the ground, with only one moiety of his clothes, that is, of his blue linen drawers; the poor man had lost his left leg and his right hand. "Good God!" said Candide in Dutch, "what art thou doing there, friend, in that shocking condition?" "I am waiting for my master, Mynheer Vanderdendur, the famous merchant," answered the negro. "Was it Mynheer Vanderdendur," said Candide, "that treated thee thus?"
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"Yes, sir," said the negro, "it is the custom. They give us a pair of linen drawers for our whole garment twice a year. When we work at the sugarcanes, and the mill snatches hold of a finger, they cut off the hand; and when we attempt to run away, they cut off the leg; both cases have happened to me. This is the price at which you eat sugar in Europe. Yet when my mother sold me for ten patagons on the coast of Guinea, she said to me: 'My dear child, bless our fetiches, adore them for ever; they will make thee live happily; thou hast the honour of being the slave of our lords, the whites, which is making the fortune of thy father and mother.' Alas! I know not whether I have made their fortunes; this I know, that they have not made mine. Dogs, monkeys, and parrots are a thousand times less wretched than I. The Dutch fetiches, who have converted me, declare every Sunday that we are all of us children of Adamblacks as well as whites. I am not a genealogist, but if these preachers tel
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Now, you must agree, that it is impossible to treat one's relations in a more barbarous manner."
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"Oh, Pangloss!" cried Candide, "thou hadst not guessed at this abomination; it is the end. I must at last renounce thy optimism." "What is this optimism?" said Cacambo. "Alas!" said Candide, "it is the madness of maintaining that everything is right when it is wrong." Looking at the negro, he shed tears, and weeping, he entered Surinam. The first thing they inquired after was whether there was a vessel in the harbour which could be sent to Buenos Ayres. The person to whom they applied was a Spanish sea-captain, who offered to agree with them upon reasonable terms. He appointed to meet them at a public-house, whither Candide and the faithful Cacambo went with their two sheep, and awaited his coming. Candide, who had his heart upon his lips, told the Spaniard all his adventures, and avowed that he intended to elope with Miss Cunegonde. "Then I will take good care not to carry you to Buenos Ayres," said the seaman. "I should be hanged, and so would you. The fair Cunegonde is my
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