Created at 7pm, Aug 11
Paris Saint-Germain FC
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Paris Saint-Germain FC

Great Comeback The French team Expect the unexpected Financial Analysis Risk Assesment Market Segmentation Local French supporters International Supporters FIA Team Analysis Recommendations Action Plan European Supporters Experience takers Financial Analysis Risk Assesment Sales: Implementation Plan Segment the season tickets to families, companies, long term fans, youngsters,etc Promote friendly matches Tour experience in the new stadium Offer special online paid content to supporters Create special products based on market segmentation (in regions in France) Dinners with stars More spots in our uniform for sponsors Premium positioning negotiation with BeIn Sports (TV commercials) Renegotiate contracts with Nike Stadium as arena for concerts, shows and performances FIA Team Analysis Recommendations Action Plan Risk Assesment Sales: Timeline for the action plan Dinners with stars Offer special online paid content to supporters
id: e8b9f3b6a951dae20e9e555ad2839b2b - page: 11
Promote friendly matches Premium positioning negotiation with BeIn Sports (TV commercials) More spots in our uniform for sponsors Tour experience in the new stadium Segment the season tickets Stadium as an arena for concerts Create special products based on market segmentation Renegotiate contracts with Nike 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 FIA Team Analysis Recommendations Action Plan Risk Assesment Marketing: Implementation Plan Communications Plans: on, off, Commercials, Tv channels Value proposition Support young players for players base (France and colonies) Send newsletter to customers Omni channel experience (online, offline, digital) Redesign in-Stadium Experience (museum, trophy room) Retention and career plan for stars Focus on new market segmentation proposed FIA Team Analysis Recommendations Action Plan Risk Assesment Marketing: Timeline for the action plan Send newsletter to customers
id: e6609ca78e342697467b184d37182b59 - page: 14
Value proposition Support young players for players base (France and colonies) Redesign in-Stadium Experience (museum, trophy room) Omni channel experience (online, offline, digital) Retention and career plan for stars Focus on new market segmentation proposed Communications Plans: on, off, Commercials, Tv channels 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 FIA Team Analysis Recommendations Action Plan Risk Assesment Risk Analysis Risk Injuries of new stars Youngers do not become great players Lack of safety becomes an issue FIA Team Analysis Recommendations Mitigation Plan Improve medical support Proper training Close development monitoring Players will play as PSG players in junior divisions Reward program Improve security actions Action Plan Risk Assesment FIA Team Analysis Thank you Recommendations Action Plan Risk Assesment
id: 51a89a7645c18ee7f8958832a53edafb - page: 16
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