Created at 3pm, Apr 17
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This may make you more inclined to do it in a certain way on a certain direction to the head of the clit. It is important that you do not readjust to your own comfort or the way that you think it should be done. Once you have found the perfect pressure, speed and direction from her reactions, or from getting her to orientate your hand on fingers from yours on top, it is important to remain exactly like that without readjusting to however you were doing it previously. Make a mental note of the direction onto the clit and the speed and pressure and you will have a smooth calibrated technique for with her in the future. More general research has been done into the most comfortable and reliable ways of digital stimulation of the clit. Go on the internet and look up the Welcomed Consensus or Welcomed Method. Research was made into the most favourable ways of fingering the clit to achieve orgasm under the
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In this technique you will observe that the woman lies on her back with her legs comfortably spread. From there, lubrication (see recommended products later on) is applied to the vulva and the end of the mans index finger. With the thumb of the left hand in the pussy to less than the first knuckle and pressing down towards the asshole, you rub the clit in circles with the lubed index finger of the right hand. They suggest and demonstrate rubbing the clit from the 1 oclock angle if you imagine the head of the clit as a clock face. It should be all smooth from all the lube, preventing discomfort from such direct stimulation. You rub in circles facing the clit and concentrating the rubbing on the clits top right side. All the while you press down with the thumb of your other hand, with just the tip of it inside her. This technique absolutely works and you should watch the videos as well to get a better idea. The only downside to this technique of rubbing the clit is that it
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To perform this as described, your bodies are relatively far apart and there is unlikely to be much other contact while youre positioned to do the exact welcomed method. What you can learn from it is absolutely worthwhile though; it will make you more attentive and skilled with your fingers. Moving on to direct stimulation of the clit with your mouth, I would advise that you dont pay as much attention
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When you watch porn and see pussy licking, youll normally see the man or womans tongue stuck out lapping at the pussy and clit like a dog. My experience has normally been that this is not the most pleasurable or preferred way to eat it. Like with a lot of the sex positions, this is depicted primarily because it does more for the viewer. If porn actors were to get in real close and eat pussy properly there wouldnt be much for the viewer at home to see. On the other hand, it looks nice to see a tongue lapping away at a cunt before fucking. When you eat pussy it seems to be more effective to get in close, with your lips sealed to the pussy lips around the clit. This adds a kind of pressure, wetness and warmth that isnt possible in the same way just by lapping with your tongue. Stick your lips out to seal them around the area of the clit and stick the end of your tongue between them to lick side to side. In this way you can lick harder or faster as required o
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