Created at 9pm, Mar 20
Operations management
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Ignition keys have been dispensed with and replaced by a digital remote fob that turns off the engine and unlocks the bulkhead door that leads to the packages. In one seamless motion, drivers are required to yank up their emergency brakes and push their gearshifts into first. Then they slide to the ground with their electronic clipboards under their right arm and their packages in their left hand. They walk to the customers door at the prescribed 3 feet per second and knock first to avoid lost seconds searching for the doorbell. After making the delivery, they do the paperwork on the way back to the truck. Productivity experts describe UPS as one of the most efficient companies anywhere in applying effective labor standards. To meet their objective of 200 deliveries and pickups each day (versus only 80 at FedEx), UPS drivers must follow procedures exactly. As they approach a delivery stop, drivers unbuckle their seat belts, honk their horns, and cut
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Sources: Wall Street Journal (February 19, 2015), (December 26, 2011), and (September 19, 2011); and G.Niemann, Big Brown : The Untold Story of UPS , New York: Wiley, 2007. added together. Developing a comprehensive system of predetermined time standards would be prohibitively expensive for any given firm. Consequently, a number of systems are commercially available. The most common predetermined time standard is methods time measurement (MTM), which is a product of the MTM Association. 3
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Therbligs Basic physical elements of motion. Time measurement units (TMUs) Units for very basic micromotions in which 1 TMU = .0006 min, or 100,000 TMUs = 1 hr. Predetermined time standards are an outgrowth of basic motions called therbligs. The term therblig was coined by Frank Gilbreth ( Gilbreth spelled backwards, with the t and h reversed). Therbligs include such activities as select, grasp, position, assemble, reach, hold, rest, and inspect. These activities are stated in terms of time measurement units (TMUs) , which are equal to only .00001 hour, or .0006 minute each. MTM values for various therbligs are specified in very detailed tables. Figure 10.9 , for example, provides the set of time standards for the motion GET and PLACE. To use GET and PLACE, one must know what is gotten, its approximate weight, and where and how far it is supposed to be placed. GET and PLACE DISTANCE RANGE IN IN. <8 >8 <20 >20 <32 WEIGHT CONDITIONS OF GET PLACE ACCURACY MTM CODE 1 2 3
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EASY APPROXIMATE AA 20 35 50 LOOSE AB 30 45 60 TIGHT AC 40 55 70 <2 LB DIFFICULT APPROXIMATE AD 20 45 60 LOOSE AE 30 55 70 TIGHT AF 40 65 80 HANDFUL APPROXIMATE AG 40 65 80 APPROXIMATE AH 25 45 55 >2 LB <18 LB LOOSE AJ 40 65 75 TIGHT AK 50 75 85 APPROXIMATE AL 90 106 115 >18 LB <45 LB LOOSE AM 95 120 130 TIGHT AN 120 145 160 Figure 10.9 Sample MTM Table for GET and PLACE Motion Time values are in TMUs. Source: Copyrighted by the MTM Association for Standards and Research. No reprint permission without consent from the MTM Association, 1601 Broadway, Fair Lawn, NJ 07410. Used with permission of MTM Association for Standards & Research. M13_HEIZ0422_12_SE_C10.indd 426 M13_HEIZ0422_12_SE_C10.indd 426 04/11/15 4:47 PM 04/11/15 4:47 PM CHAPT ER 10 | H U MAN RESOU RC ES, JOB DE SI GN, A ND WOR K ME AS U R EM E N T 427 Example 4 shows a use of predetermined time standards in setting service labor standards.
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