Created at 10am, Jan 3
Anna Karenina
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Anna Karenina is a novel by the Russian author Leo Tolstoy, first published in book form in 1878. Considered to be one of the greatest works of literature ever written, Tolstoy himself called it his first true novel.

N-n-no! said Levin. Darya Alexandrovna too, as she said good-bye to him, gave him a sort of congratulation, saying, How glad I am you have met Kitty again! One must value old friends. Levin did not like these words of Darya Alexandrovnas. She could not understand how lofty and beyond her it all was, and she ought not to have dared to allude to it. Levin said good-bye to them, but, not to be left alone, he attached himself to his brother. Where are you going? Im going to a meeting. Well, Ill come with you. May I? What for? Yes, come along, said Sergey Ivanovitch, smiling. What is the
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With me? Happiness is the matter with me! said Levin, letting down the window of the carriage they were driving in. You dont mind? its so stiing. Its happiness is the matter with me! Why is it you have never married? Sergey Ivanovitch smiled. I am very glad, she seems a nice gi. . . Sergey Ivanovitch was beginning. Dont say it! dont say it! shouted Levin, clutching at the collar of his fur coat with both hands, and mufing him up in it. Shes a nice girl were such simple, humble words, so out of harmony with his feeling. Sergey Ivanovitch laughed outright a merry laugh, which was rare with him. Well, anyway, I may say that Im very glad of it. That you may do to-morrow, to-morrow and nothing more! Nothing, nothing Part IV Chapter 14 silence, said Levin, and mufing him once more in his fur coat, he added: I do like you so! Well, is it possible for me to be present at the meeting?
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Of course it is. What is your discussion about to-day? asked Levin, never ceasing smiling. They arrived at the meeting. Levin heard the secretary hesitatingly read the minutes which he obviously did not himself understand; but Levin saw from this secretarys face what a good, nice, kind-hearted person he was. This was evident from his confusion and embarrassment in reading the minutes. Then the discussion began. They were disputing about the misappropriation of certain sums and the laying of certain pipes, and Sergey Ivanovitch was very cutting to two members, and said something at great length with an air of triumph; and another member, scribbling something on a bit of paper, began timidly at rst, but afterwards answered him very viciously and delightfully. And then Sviazhsky (he was there too) said something too, very handsomely and nobly. Levin listened to them, and saw dearly that these missing sums and these pipes were not anything real, and that they were not at all angry, b
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They did no harm to any one, and were all enjoying it. What struck Levin was that he could see through them all today, and from little, almost imperceptible signs knew the soul of each, and saw distinctly that they were all good at heart. And Levin himself in particular they were all extremely fond of that day. That was evident from the way they spoke to him, from the friendly, affectionate way even those he did not know looked at him.
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