Created at 9pm, Jul 4
t2ruvaHealth & Lifestyle
Healthy Eating Diet Sheet
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Healthy Eating Diet Sheet table

Prepared foods Jelly (low sugar), sorbet, fat-free homemade soups. Beware: readymade and processed foods are more likely to contain high salt, unnecessary added sugar and saturated fats. Always check labels and use the free App FoodSwitch, if necessary. Home made pastry, puddings, cakes, biscuits, sauces etc. made with wholemeal flour & fat or oil as above, low-fat readyprepared meals. Non-dairy ice cream, custard mix made with water or skimmed milk. Sweets, preserves, jams & spreads Sugar-free artificial sweeteners, low-fat jam & marmalade. Jam, marmalade, honey low-fat soft cheese, low-fat spreads. Boiled sweets, fruit pastilles & jellies. Chutneys & pickles, fish & meat pastes, peanut butter.
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Drinks Freshly made tea, coffee, mineral water, fruit juice (unsweetened). 1 x 150ml glass of fruit juice counts as a portion of fruit. Alcohol 1-2 Units/day. Maximum 14 units/week women, 21 units/week men. Sweetened drinks, squashes, fruit juice (sweetened), malted milk or hot chocolate drinks made with skimmed milk. Salt, sauces & dressings Herbs, spices, lemon juice, garlic, pepper. Homemade salad dressings & mayonnaise made with suitable oils as above. Low-fat or lowcalorie mayonnaise & dressings. Parmesan cheese. Note: If you are overweight, aim to eat most of your food from the far left column This diet sheet was originally prepared by Pfizer Ltd in association with BHS. This version has been updated by BIHS 2017. Avoid Eating Sweet Biscuits, cream-filled biscuits (unless cooked in rape seed oil), croissants. Deep-fat-fried chips, roast potatoes (unless cooked in rape seed oil). Crisps & savoury snacks.
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Coconut. Fish roe, taramasalata, fried scampi. Anchovies. Smoked salmon, haddock, cod, mackerel. Sausages, all processed meats, pate, salami, streaky bacon, burgers, goose, meat pies, sausage rolls, pasties, scotch eggs, visible fat on meat, crackling, chicken skin. Ham, gammon. Whole milk & cream. Full-fat yoghurt, cheese e.g. stilton, cheddar, cream cheese, evaporated or condensed milk, imitation cream, excess eggs i.e. 4 or more per week. All margarines, shortenings & oils not labelled 'high in polyunsaturates'. Butter, lard, suet & dripping, vegetable oil or margarine of unknown origin. All spreads not labelled 'low-fat'. Coconut oil. Processed pastries, puddings, cakes & sauces made with whole milk & fat or oil as above, suet dumplings or puddings, cream soups. Packet soups. Chocolate spreads, chocolates, toffees, fudge, butterscotch, carob chocolate, coconut bars. Marmite, Bovril. Whole milk drinks, cream-based liqueurs, coffee whitener.
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Salt, tabasco, soy sauce, ordinary or cream dressings & mayonnaise, Worcestershire sauce.
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