Created at 10pm, Apr 12
The Hidden Chronicles of Humanity
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The Hidden Chronicles of Humanity

The fact is, the Egyptian civilization seems to have been the chief example of a vast chasm between the haves and the have-nots, and they managed to do it longer than anybody else. In examining the work of Schwaller, we have one of the better examples of the subtle way the negative occult societies attack those who come to bring light, by association and co-opting. The tactic is to find a means of subtly allying their message with that of the truth so as to generate confusion in untrained minds which would tend, on surface evidence, to accept these actually contrary messages as similar, at least in intent. The negative occultists who are promoting the new Control System borrow all their components from what is of truth, and proceed by the m
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They literally will ape the expression of positive teachings, and all the more 81 carefully when they wish to be mistaken altogether for purveyors of truth, so as to subvert the messages. And so it was that Mouravieff, under the influence of the Synarchists of his day, introduced some of their ideas into his own synthesis of the authentic Tradition, including the idea that the Tradition was passed from Egypt to Judaea via Moses. Regarding his sources, Robin Amis tells us: Boris Mouravieff tells us that the Christian Esoteric Tradition has always remained alive within certain monasteries in Greece, Russia, and elsewhere. It is true that this knowledge was hermetically hidden, but at the same time, its existence was known and access to it was never forbidden to those seriously interested in esoteric questions. Mouravieff tells us that his commentaries are drawn directly from the Eastern Christian Tradition: the sacred texts, the commentaries written around these texts
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, and especially from the Philokalia which is, above all, the same teaching and discipline, transmitted by fully authorized individuals. Attentive examination and comparison of Mouravieffs work to that of Ouspensky and Gurdjieff will show the incomplete character of the latter, as well as the deviations from the ancient doctrine. Christ categorically affirmed that entry into the
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Kingdom of God is closed to those who have not been born anew. This second Birth is the object and goal of esoteric work. Most of the writings of the Philokalia were intended for people who had already acquired some proficiency in esoteric studies. One could actually say the same about the Gospels, corrupted and glossed though they be. Bishop Theophan, in his preface to the Philokalia, insists on the fact that without help nobody can succeed in penetrating the doctrine. This is why esoteric science conserves and cultivates an oral tradition which brings the letter to life. Oriental Orthodoxy has known how to keep this Tradition intact by applying the absolute rule of Hermetism in each particular case. From generation to generation, ever since the time of the Apostles, it has led its disciples up to mystic experience. If Hermetism has provided a safeguard for nearly twenty centuries, it must be said that circumstances have now changed. At the current point in history, as at the time of
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