Created at 11pm, Mar 29
THE POWER OF DISCIPLINE: How to Use Self Control and Mental Toughness to Achieve Your Goals
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Join a gym, start a healthy eating plan, save more money, stop smoking—the listof New Year’s resolutions is endless, but how many of them are everaccomplished? According to Scranton Psychology Professor John C. Norcross,Ph.D., less than 10% of New Year’s resolutions are achieved. If you are readingthis book, there is a good chance that you fall into the large percentage of peoplewho have spent years failing to reach their goals. What is the reason for this?Why is it that the majority of us are incapable of sticking to anythingworthwhile? Is failure a natural human tendency? The answer is a simple one—alack of self-discipline!This book is about taking full responsibility for where you are now and whereyou want to be in the next five, ten, fifteen, or twenty years. You will develop themost important skill required to achieve the life you desire—self-discipline.Kurt Kopmeyer has spent over 50 years researching and studying successprinciples and has written several books about the secrets of success. One dayduring a meeting, success coach Brian Tracy asked Kopmeyer to explain whichprinciples, out of all those he has discovered, was most important for success. Heresponded, “There are 999 other success principles that I have found in myreading and experience, but without self-discipline, none of them work.”Self-discipline is like a key—it unlocks the door to personal fulfillment andopens the door to the life you have been dreaming of. With self-discipline, theaverage person can rise further than intelligence and talent alone will take them,and the ordinary person can become extraordinary. On the other hand, aneducated, talented person without self-discipline will rarely rise abovemediocrity. My desire is that this book will help you do the following:Build habits that will transform your lifeGain a better understanding of self-discipline and how important it isin your lifeTake control of your habits so that you can take control of your lifeYou are the only person capable of changing your life—no one can do that foryou. The easiest way to change yourself is to change the things you do each day.If you are stuck in a rut, with the same story of failure on repeat year after year,this book will get you out of that rut if you apply the recommended principles.If you want to achieve something remarkable but you are not sure how to getstarted on this journey, this book will serve as a manual for how to get there.If you have attempted to change your bad habits and adopt good ones only tokeep falling back into what you know is keeping you stuck, I will teach you howto break the cycle.If you are unsatisfied with life, you are in a great place because the disgust thatyou feel for your current circumstances is an indication that you know you arenot where you are supposed to be, and you want to change that. Although wedon’t equate the word “disgust” with positive action, being repelled by your lifecan serve as the motivation you need to turn things around.For example, seeing a picture of yourself stuffing a piece of pizza into yourmouth with your stomach hanging over your trousers can disgust you so muchthat you throw your hands up in surrender and vow to get in shape. Having yourelectricity cut off because you failed to pay your bill can disgust you so muchthat you make the decision once and for all that you are going to becomefinancially stable.You can have everything you want in life if you are prepared to put in the work,and everything you need to get to your destination is hidden between the pagesof this book. If you are ready to stop wasting time on unproductive activities thatare leading you in the opposite direction from where you want to go in life,apply the principles you are going to read and expect to experience a majorturnaround in your current circumstances

Brian didnt set out to give up the habit of biting his nails, his goal was to stop biting them until they grew. However, his belief system about his nails changed when he saw how nice they looked after a manicure, and the bad habit of biting his nails was replaced by the good habit of grooming them.
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YOUR IDENTITY AND GOOD HABITS Your habits, whether good or bad, are a part of your identity. When you desire to make a change and that habit becomes a part of your identity, you will maintain it because it has become a part of you. Once your biceps look good and you start seeing yourself as someone with a toned and muscular body, your desire to keep your appearance will outweigh your desire to hit the snooze button in the morning. When you take pride in the condition of your hair, you will stick to a routine to maintain it. When you are proud of your identity, you will do what is necessary to maintain the good habits attached to it. Your good habits will not last if they dont become a part of your identity. Motivation to achieve goals wont make what you are doing a lifestyle. Most people can find enough willpower to stick to a diet and exercise regime to run a
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However, because those new habits didnt become a part of who you are, they didnt last. There is nothing wrong with setting goals; but what you should aim for is a lifestyle transformation. For example: Set your goal to become a person who reads consistently instead of setting a goal to read one book. Set your goal to become a runner instead of setting a goal to run a marathon. Set your goal to become a musician instead of setting a goal to learn how to play the piano. Your behavior reflects your identity, and everything you do speaks loudly about who you are. According to research, when a person believes in their identity, their behavior will mirror that. When your good habits become a part of your identity, you will no longer need to force yourself to do the things required to change your behavior because its who you are, and effort is no longer required.
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It is also important to note that your identity can also work against you when you have accepted certain traits, for example: I dont follow directions very well. My math skills are terrible. My computer skills are awful. Im always late. I can never remember anyones name. I am not a morning person. When you have spent your entire life agreeing with these negative narratives, you accept them as facts and anytime you try and work against them, you will resist the action that attempts to work against what you believe to be true. Your subconscious mind has been programmed to keep you behaving in a certain way, and it will repel any action it doesnt recognize. Eventually, you become comfortable with behaving in a way that mirrors your self-image, even if the behavior is of no benefit to you.
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How to Retrieve?
# Search

curl -X POST "" \
-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"rerank": true, "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "tZJgjdTcxtexDZAde8LPSk-dvklFTC8ei5SsaDrwXP4", "query": "What is alexanDRIA library?"}'
# Query

curl -X POST "" \
-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"vector": [0.123, 0.5236], "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "tZJgjdTcxtexDZAde8LPSk-dvklFTC8ei5SsaDrwXP4", "level": 2}'