Created at 2pm, Jun 12
ilkeArtificial Intelligence
AI the creator? Analysing prose and poetry created by Artificial Intelligence
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Artificial intelligence is already developed enough to perform mechanical and computerised tasks, but the ability to convey emotions and recreate human consciousness is currently being studied. This article will primarily deal with AI-generated literature, focusing mainly on short text extracts and poetry. The selected research method in this article is qualitative research. A linguistic analysis of individual texts was carried out, as well as a comparison of the texts themselves. An experiment was conducted in which a group of participants decided whether the presented text was written by a human or artificial intelligence. In addition, I examined the positions in the discussion whether AI poetry can be considered authentic.Miriam Kobierski, Academic Association for Doctoral Students of English Philology, ISSN 2449-8769

Text 1And on her cheek lay a kiss from him Text 2My world feels dark when youre not here Participant 1 This text is pretty emotional. I am not sure if AI can write like this. This text is smooth and romantic. I can't imagine AI writing in such a powerful manner. Participant 2 The text is expressive and almost poetic, uses non-standard syntax. AI wouldn't use ornate language like this, too poetic and romantic. Participant 3 Complex syntax and the addition of a dash make me think that it was written by a human writer. An AI machine could try to recreate love poems, but theyll never feel as lively or romantic as one a human couldve written. Participant 4 This looks like a literary piece of text. It has some constructions characteristic for literature. Correctly used collocations. However, the excessive usage of pronouns looks rather odd. Metaphors, similes, beautiful writing, I can feel emotion in this. 10
id: c4188c46089dc6598c8528efc6ae261d - page: 10
CURRENTS. A Journal of Young English Philology Thought and Review Text 1And on her cheek lay a kiss from him Text 2My world feels dark when youre not here Participant 5 I think this kind of Twilight-ish stories is rather a human domain. The language is relatively complex and the text is grammatically and, more importantly, logically correct. Participant 6 The text is hard to follow and has many unnatural sounding sentence structures. Cliche writing, feels borrowed, so I say it's AI; but then again, less skilled writers may also write like this. Participant 7 Satisfying metaphors, more likely by a human writer. The wording in phrases such as shine brilliantly enough, the world was filled with streetlights seems off
id: 0149005cf0818f1b326b04bb4191e30b - page: 11
Participant 8 AI wouldnt have connected pain and losing control with pleasure what can be seen in this text. The text is intended to present the other person in a poetic way of affection. However, the computer uses too many words related to physics, such as force, energy, which sounds strange and not very poetic. Participant 9 It sounds off, unusual wording and sentence structure, lots of commas. No consistency in using dashes and commas for sentence interjections. Perhaps my intuition is very basic but I think it's human because it's poetic and talks about closeness with another person. I do not think that even if a robot was writing that, it would pay attention to such things as warmth and light.
id: e8e318cbc8ad298e10f5775d58623240 - page: 11
Participant 10 I think that this text was written by AI machine because I have the impression that in some places the text is written a little chaotically and incomprehensibly. I think that this text wrote a human, because I have a feeling that it was written by a very sensitive person who knew how to put his feelings on paper, and by reading this text we can feel these emotions. 11
id: 7ecc9679bfa16b513aed23d2b061783e - page: 11
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