Created at 9pm, Apr 16
Heart rate variability in people with metabolic syndrome
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bstract.Metabolic syndrome (MS) is characterized by disorders of carbohydrate and fat metabolism, which can lead to the development of cardiac autonomic neuropathy (CAN). Heart rate variability (HRV) analysis is used to assess the state of autonomic regulation. A decrease in HRV indicates unfavourable changes in autonomic regulation and the development of CAN. The purpose of this study was to compare HRV parameters in patients with metabolic syndrome and healthy individuals without signs of MS. We examined 74 patients with metabolic syndrome (mean age 54.4±1.1 years) and 61 healthy subjects (without signs of MS) (mean age 57.0±1.6 years). The results of the study indicate a significant decrease in HRV in people with MS. However, they had significantly lower values of the SDNN index (by 26%), which characterizes the overall power of neurohumoral regulation of heart rate. Differences in the indicators characterizing short-term, vagal influences were especially pronounced: in patients with MS, RMSSD (by 44%) and HF (by 69%) were lower than in controls. The activity of the baroreflex center of the medulla oblongata, assessed by the spectral power of low-frequency waves (LF), was 55% lower in patients with MS compared to controls. There were no significant differences in the mean duration of the R-R interval, the spectral power of very low frequency (VLF) waves, or the ratio of the spectral powers of low and high frequencies (LF/HF, LFn, HFn) in patients with MS compared to controls. No significant shift in the autonomic balance towards sympathicotonia was found in patients with MS. The analysis of variance confirmed the significant effect of the metabolic syndrome factor on HRV. Thus, the data obtained indicate the development of CAN in people with metabolic syndrome, which is an unfavourable prognostic sign.To assess the effect of MS on the rate of aging, the biological age (BA) of the examined people with MS was calculated. The formula for calculating BA was obtained on a group of people without MS. The method of multiple stepwise regression was used. The aging rate was calculated as the difference between biological and chronological age (CA). The average BAin the group of people with MS was 63,20±1,81years, in the control group –53.99±1.71 years (p<0.05). The difference between BAand CA is 8,81±0,94 years in the group of people with MS and -1.01±0.61 in control group (p<0.05). From this we can conclude that MS can be a factor accelerating aging.

"normal" beats. To analyze the data obtained we used Statistica 7.0 (StatSoft, USA). The significance of differences in mean values was assessed by Student's T-test. One-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to evaluate the differences in HRV in patients with MS and control subjects (without signs of MS). The factor, in this case, was the presence or absence of metabolic syndrome. 3
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Results and discussion The results of the HRV analysis in the studied persons, depending on the presence of metabolic syndrome, are shown in Table and Figure. Average values of HRV indices in people with metabolic syndrome (MS) and in the group of people without MS Persons without MS, n=61, M m 902 19 6.79 0.03 45.7 3.7 3.65 0.07 44.3 5.4 3.44 0.10 9.24 1.74 2508 439 7.20 0.14 722 131 6.08 0.13 816 207 6.67 0.16 790 225 6.67 0.19 1.03 0.20 0.03 0.12 50.6 2.4 49.2 2.5 Persons with MS, n=74, M m 878 14 6.77 0.02 33.9 1.7** 3.45 0.05* 24.8 1.5*** 3,.07 0.06** 5.37 1.05 1260 153** 6.82 0.09* 593 87 6.02 0.09 367 51* 5.90 0.10 304 36** 5.72 0.12* 1.21 0.21 0.24 0.10 54.8 2.1 45.3 2.1
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HRV indicators NN, ms Ln NN SDNN, ms Ln SDNN RMSSD, ms Ln RMSSD pNN50,% TP, ms2 Ln TP VLF, ms2 Ln VLF LF, ms2 Ln LF HF, ms2 Ln HF LF/HF Ln LF/HF LFn, % HFn, % Notes: * the probability of differences in average values at the level of p < 0.05; ** the probability of differences in average values at the level of p < 0.01; *** the probability of differences in average values at the level of p < 0.001.
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As can be seen from the data presented in table 1, in people with MS there were no significant differences with the control in the value of the average duration of the R-R interval (NN), the spectral power of very low-frequency waves (VLF, Ln VLF), the ratio of the spectral powers of low and high frequencies (LF/HF, Ln LF/HF, LFn, HFn). However, they showed significantly lower values of SDNN (by 26%), Ln SDNN, TP (by 50%), and Ln TP, which characterize the total power of neurohumoral regulation of heart rate. The differences in the indicators characterizing short-term, vagal influences were especially pronounced: in patients with MS, RMSSD (by 44%), Ln RMSSD, HF (by 69%), and Ln HF was lower than in controls. The activity of the baroreflex centre of the medulla oblongata, assessed by the spectral power of low-frequency waves (LF), in people with MS was 55% lower compared to controls. A study of patients with metabolic syndrome showed changes in autonomic regulation of heart rate simila
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