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The objects with the largest mass in the universe and the objects with the smallest mass may have common properties.

For this reason, an
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This is called the theory of relativity. The most basic fact of the theory of relativity is that the person who jumps into the black hole really falls into the black hole, but to the observer watching from outside, you appear frozen before falling into the black hole. The two events are the same and are real. This situation is related to speed and environment. Once you cross the event horizon, you have no chance of coming back. Even if you reach the speed of light, you cannot escape this state of singularity. Now the space-time texture only points to the singularity for you. The more you move, the shorter your lifespan. Now all directions are directed only towards the singularity believed to be at the center of the black hole. It is a prediction about the theory of relativity.
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Meanwhile, the first black hole picture was obtained in 2020. When Albert Einstein put forward his theory of relativity, there was no black hole discovery yet. Therefore, the magnitude and predictive value of this theory is at the top of science, along with the theory of gravity. The reason why Einstein's relativity equations predict an infinite singularity at the center of black holes is because mathematical calculations become invalid. It is a situation like Newton's equations becoming invalid on the planet Merkur. For this reason, quantum mechanics needs to come into play. However, the process of matching relativity and quantum mechanics has not been done yet. For this reason, it is not known exactly what will happen at the center of black holes. The singularity phenomenon is only the final point that the theory has reached.
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According to a hypothesis, it is thought that all the matter swallowed by black holes is reconnected to the space-time fabric and vomited out through a white hole. However, there is no observational evidence on this subject. All black holes can be defined with 3 simple properties: mass spin (angular momentum) and electric charge. Since black holes are always uncharged, all existing black holes can be defined by the amount of mass and spin. However, there is a possibility that more than one black hole may have exactly the same mass and spin amount, and there is no measurement that can distinguish these black holes from each other. They are subatomic particles that we know become indistinguishable when they have the same value in the universe. In this respect, they have an interesting similarity with black holes. The objects with the largest mass in the universe and the objects with the smallest mass may have common properties.
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