Created at 10pm, Apr 16
From geroprotective tactics to anti-ageing strategy ways to eliminate age ing per se
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Abstract. There are two solutions to the ageingproblem –tactical and strategic.The tactical solution is to dampen the involution as much as possible todelay the onset and slow down the progression of involution and age-related pathologies.The strategic solution is to eliminate ageingper se(and therefore age-related diseases) through the elimination of the prime cause of ageing. These two approaches are discussed.

4. Focusing on a single mechanism aimed at halting ageing (preventing diseases) will not be sufficient because it requires a comprehensive program change. Any methods targeting individual mechanisms and pathologies associated with ageing will only alleviate the burden of ageing and related diseases and slow down their progression, but they will not eliminate ageing or the diseases themselves. By eliminating ageing, a person will also eliminate age-related diseases.
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5. The embryonic rejuvenation and DG (carcinogenesis) pathways are essentially the same, but at different stages of ontogenesis, this mechanism is carried out in opposite ways. Cancer starts as a spontaneous reprogramming where and when the program of development of definitive structures cannot result in effective self-renewal, as a rejuvenation attempt through recapitulation (self-initiation) of the embryonic pathway and only after then becomes cancer. Knowing the cause of such a transformation, one will understand its essence and will then be able to direct the processes toward rejuvenation, preventing their transformation into cancer.
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6. DG is simply epigenetic-blocked redifferentiation and unfinished somatic embryogenesis (rejuvenation) and nothing more. The immune response (by type of active tolerance) to the markers of the embryonic developmental pathway causes an epigenetic blockage of the redifferentiation potential and the conversion of the rejuvenation pathway into the DG. Therefore, the induction of complete immunological tolerance to these markers (the so-called tumour-associated antigens) will make it possible to escape this conversion. 39
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7. When someone tries to eradicate cancer, they are also halting rejuvenation because spontaneous reprogramming, which later transforms into cancer, is an attempt by any living substance to achieve self-renewal. Full-scale reprogramming, whether spontaneous or induced, that does not lead to cancer does not have a viable biological alternative for simultaneously addressing two main tasks: eliminating both cancer and ageing. These problems cannot be solved separately because their solutions are intertwined. There is a clear correlation: any gene (signalling pathway) inhibiting ageing also participates in potentiating carcinogenesis, and any gene (signalling pathway) suppressing carcinogenesis stimulates ageing. Without coordination between these processes, it is impossible to eliminate both ageing and carcinogenesis. The only feasible solution to prevent carcinogenesis and eliminate ageing is to prevent the transformation of endogenous or induced reprogramming into cancer. Cancer cells i
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