Created at 3pm, Jan 4
ilkeHealth & Lifestyle
The Relationship Between Physical Activity and Life Satisfaction: The Mediating Role of Social-Physique Anxiety and Self-Esteem
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The primary aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between physical activity, life satisfaction, and the mediating effects of social-physique anxiety and self-esteem. Furthermore, this study assessed the measurement invariance of research models according to gender and age.YILDIRIM, S., & ÖZGÖKÇE, G. (2023). The Relationship Between Physical Activity and Life Satisfaction: The Mediating Role of Social-Physique Anxiety and Self-Esteem. Pamukkale Journal of Sport Sciences, 14(3), 346-367.

Connor, 2009) and psychological benefits (Craft & Perna, 2004; Reed & Buck, 2009; Steptoe & Butler, 1996) lead to increased life satisfaction. Possibly, the positive psychological and physiological contributions of the increase in the level of physical activity individuals cause individuals to have a more positive outlook on life (OBrien et al., Pamukkale J Sport Sci, 14(3), 346-367, 2023 357 The Link of Physical Activity & Life Satisfaction
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Yldrm & zgke 2020; Maher et al., 2015). This also affects life satisfaction. However, research also indicates that life satisfaction can be approached as a broad term and can be influenced positively or negatively by various variables (Elavsky & McAuley, 2005; Maher et al., 2015; Zayed et al., 2018). Both the existing literature and the findings of this study show that mediating variables significantly affect the relationship between physical activity level and life satisfaction. Based on the findings of this study, it can be said that social-physique anxiety functions as a mediator between physical activity and life satisfaction. The study observed that a high physical activity level is linked to a low level of social physique anxiety, positively influencing life satisfaction. This observation aligns with previous research that supports the relationship between physical activity and social-physique anxiety (Brunet & Sabiston, 2009; Herring et al.,
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2021; Kowalski et al., 2001), as well as the connection between social-physique anxiety and life satisfaction (Erevik, 2021; rn & ztrk, 2020). Individuals with high levels of socialphysique anxiety might avoid participating in physical activities in public settings due to concerns about their bodies and the fear of judgment (Brunet & Sabiston, 2009; Eng et al., 2001) and may even have more difficulty enjoying various aspects of life (Eng et al., 2005). This anxiety could lead to a decrease in life satisfaction. On the other hand, adopting a different perspective by increasing physical activity level can have a protective effect. Engaging in activities such as exercise can enhance body confidence and a positive body image (Campbell & Hausenblas, 2009; Cruz-Ferreira et al., 2011; Legrand et al., 2020). This, in turn, may lead to a reduction in social physique anxiety. Consequently, as individuals' body concerns decrease,
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Indeed, existing literature supports the relationship between social-physique anxiety and negative body image (Zartaloudi et al., 2023), increased anxiety disorders (Herring et al., 2021), and decreased overall well-being (Berger et al., 2021), all of which can negatively impact life satisfaction. Therefore, promoting activities such as exercise, which can help alleviate social-physique anxiety or enhance physical activity levels, has gained further significance. This study has revealed a significant negative correlation between social-physique anxiety and life satisfaction, with self-esteem as a mediating factor in this relationship. Similar research has supported the connections between social-physique anxiety and self-esteem (Brunet et al., 2010; Hagger & Stevenson, 2010), social-physique anxiety and life satisfaction
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