Created at 8pm, Jan 17
Anonymous Poems
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Anonymous poems about life, love, environment and history. The World's Poetry Archive 175 Then what if I am growing old? My heart is changeless still, And God has given me enough This loving heart to fill. I love to see the sun go down, And lengthening shadows throw Along the ground, while oer my head The clouds in crimson glow. I see, beyond those gorgeous clouds, A country bright and fair, Which needs no sun: God and the Lamb Its light and beauty are. I seem to hear the wondrous song Redeemed sinners sing; And my heart leaps to join the throng To praise the Heavenly King. I seem to see three cherub boys, As hand in hand they go, With golden curls and snowy wings,
id: c272f44a2c38e3f7ff89fb72e9c882a7 - page: 176
Whose eyes with rapture glow. When I was young I called them mine Now Heavens sweet ones are they; But I shall claim my own again, When I am called away. Perhaps, when heavens bright gate Ive passed, Theyll know from every other The one who gave them back to God, And haste to call me mother. 0! 1 am glad Im growing old! For every day I spend Shall bring me one day nearer that Bright day that has no end. The World's Poetry Archive 176 Anonymous Americas The World's Poetry Archive 177 In Snow-Time How should I chose to walk the world with thee, Mine own beloved? When green grass is stirred
id: 4a1a998e6e1eac4ba256efbebb34c984 - page: 177
By summer breezes, and each leafy tree Shelters the nest of many a singing bird? In time of roses, when the earth doth lie Dressed in a garment of midsummer hues, Beneath a canopy of sapphire sky, Lulled by a soft wind's song? Or should I choose To walk with thee along a wintry road, Through flowerless fields, thick-sown with frosty rime, Beside an ice-bound stream, whose waters flowed In voiceless music all the summer-time? In winter dreariness, or summer glee, How should I choose to walk the world with thee? The time of roses is the time of love, Ah, my dear heart! but winter fires are bright, And in the lack of sunshine from above We tend more carefully love's sacred light. The path among the roses lieth soft, Sun-kissed and radiant under youthful feet; But on a wintry way true hands more oft Do meet and cling in pressure close and sweet. There is more need of love's supporting arm
id: 342a622e0ff6e13b22a3305c6414ff95 - page: 179
Along life's slippery pathway, in its frost; There is more need for love to wrap us warm Against life's cold, when summer flowers are lost. Let others share thy life's glad summer glow, But let me walk beside thee in its snow. Anonymous Americas The World's Poetry Archive 178 James Longstreet With muffled drums and the flag that was furled With the cause that was lost, when the last smoke curled
id: 4fe0cbe0240a21bc12687231d93318f8 - page: 179
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