Created at 3pm, Jan 4
ilkeHealth & Lifestyle
Evaluation of Smoking Effects on Salivary Parameters in Carious Disease
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The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of smoking and the correlations of some cariogenic risk parameters such as DMFT Index, resting and stimulated salivary flow rate, salivary pH and buffer capacity, and micro-crystallization index in smokers using classic and electronic cigarettes.

40.6 indicates a medium micro-crystallization level; IMK = 00.4 indicates low microcrystallization level. The statistical analysis of the obtained values was realized using SPSS v.29.0 software (IBM, Chicago, IL, USA). ShapiroWilk test was used to test the normality of distribution, the homogeneity of variances, and the statistical analysis was performed using One-Way ANOVA and post hoc Bonferroni parametric tests and the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test. Levene's test for
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RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS For DMFT Index parameter (figure 5), it ca be noticed that the highest values was recorded by group V while the lowest was reached by group I. The statistical analysis was realized using One-way ANOVA and Bonferroni post hoc statistical tests with a significance level of p=0.05. The obtained result indicates that significant differences between the study groups were found: Groups I vs. III (p=0.00); I vs. IV (p=0.00); I vs. V (p=0.00); II vs. III (p=0.020); II vs. IV (p=0.00); II vs. V (p=0.00); III vs. IV (p=0.024) and III vs. V (p=0.00). For RFR parameter the highest values was recorded by group I while the lowest was reached by group V (figure 6). The statistical realized using One-way analysis was ANOVA and Bonferroni post hoc tests with a significance level of p=0.05. The results indicate that significant differences between the study groups were found: Groups I vs. II (p=0.00); I vs. III (p=0.00); I vs. IV (p=0.00);
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For RFS parameter (figure 7), it ca be noticed that the highest values was recorded by group I (2.37 ml/min) while the lowest was reached by group V (0.95 ml.min). The statistical realized using statistical parametric test ANOVA One-way with a significance level of p=0.05. The that significant indicates obtained result differences between the study groups were found: Groups I vs. III (p=0.044); I vs. IV (p=0.00); I vs. V (p=0.00); II vs. IV (p=0.00); II vs. V (p=0.00); III vs. IV (p=0.00) and III vs. V (p=0.00). analysis was For salivary buffer capacity the highest values was recorded by group I (5.31) while the lowest was reached by group V (3.69) (figure 8). The statistical analysis was realized using non-parametric test KruskalWallis with a significance level of p=0.05. The significant differences between the study groups were found: Groups I vs. III (p=0.018); I vs. IV (p=0.00); I vs. V (p=0.00); II vs. IV (p=0.014) and II vs. V (p=0.001). results indicate
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74). The statistical analysis was realized using statistical non-parametric test KruskalWallis with a significance level of p=0.05. The obtained result indicates that significant differences between the study groups were found: Groups I vs. III (p=0.047); I vs. IV (p=0.00); I vs. V (p=0.00); II vs. IV (p=0.01) and II vs. V (p=0.00). that 237 Romanian Journal of Oral Rehabilitation Vol. 15, No.4 October-December 2023 Figure 5. DMFT Index: Mean values, standard deviations and statistically significant differences between groups (p<0.05). Figure 6. Resting salivary flow rate: Mean statistically values, significant differences between groups (p<0.05). standard deviations and The presence of the double arrow indicates The presence of the double arrow indicates
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