Created at 3pm, Jan 3
WORLD HISTORY Cultures, States, and Societies to 1500
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Annotation World History: Cultures, States, and Societies to 1500 offers a comprehensive introduction to the history of humankind from prehistory to 1500. Authored by six USG faculty members with advanced degrees in History, this textbook offers up-to-date original scholarship.

id: afc25f62380cdce86fa9b398cfa4f6c9 - page: 246
6.9.1 The Gracchi and the Beginning of Political Violence It is striking to consider that political violence was minimal in the Roman Republic until 133 BCE. Indeed, if the legends are true, even the expulsion of the kings in 510 BCE was a bloodless event. Starting with 133 BCE, however, the final century of the Roman Republic was defined by political violence and civil wars.
id: e9d81396c177d6d39e3be1b9764ef82c - page: 246
In 133 BCE, Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus, a scion on his mothers side of one of the oldest and most respected families in Rome, the Cornelii Scipiones, was one of the ten annually elected plebeian tribunes. Alarmed that the lands acquired through recent Roman conquests had largely been taken over by rich landowners at the expense of poorer Romans, Gracchus proposed a land distribution law, known as the Lex Sempronia Agraria. Gracchus argued that the advantages of such land redistribution would have benefited the state, since land-ownership was a pre-requisite for military service. Aware that the Senates Optimates faction opposed his proposal, Gracchus took his law directly to the Plebeian Council, which passed it. This measure resulted in escalating conflict between Gracchus and the rest of the Senate. At a meeting of the Senate, the pontifex maximus, who was Tiberius Gracchus own cousin Publius Cornelius Scipio Nasica, ultimately argued that Gracchus had attempted to make himself king
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; thus, he had to be stopped. Since weapons were banned inside the Senate building, enraged Senators grabbed whatever was on hand, including chair and table legs, and clubbed Gracchus to death. As the biographer Plutarch states, this was the first instance of civic strife of this kind in ancient Rome. The death of Tiberius Gracchus also meant the death of his proposed law. Ten years later, however, Gracchus proposed reforms gained a second life in the hands of his younger brother, Gaius Gracchus, who was elected plebeian tribune in 123 BCE and served a second term in that
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