Created at 9pm, Jul 8
Quantum Physics for Beginners
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Chapter 1: What is Quantum PhysicsChapter 2: The Fundamental Blocks of our UniverseChapter 3: Black Body Radiation (A Planckian Revolution)Chapter 4: The Photoelectric Effect: Is Everything Quantized?Chapter 5: The Franck-Hertz ExperimentChapter 6: Atomic Model of BohrChapter 7: Confirming The Quantum Theory Of Light:Compton EffectChapter 8: The Wave-Particle Duality DilemmaChapter 9: The Double-Slit ExperimentChapter 10: De Broglie HypothesisChapter 11: Heisenberg’s Uncertainty PrincipleChapter 12: Introduction To Quantum Superposition:Schrödinger’s CatChapter 13: The Quantum Fields And How Empty SpaceDoesn’t ExistChapter 14: Riding The Wave FunctionChapter 15: Quantum Tunneling Is the First Step TowardsTeleportationChapter 16: Welcome to Copenhagen: Solving The BohrEinstein DebateChapter 17: The Copenhagen InterpretationChapter 18: Many Interpretations of Quantum PhysicsChapter 19: The Epr ParadoxChapter 20: The Revolutionary Discoveries in QuantumMechanics Of Bohr, De Broglie, Einstein, Heisenberg, AndMany OthersChapter 21: The Strange and Fascinating Rules of the Law ofAttractionChapter 22: Introduction to Symmetries and ConservationLawsChapter 23: Basic Principles of Quantum MechanicsChapter 24: Applied DisciplinesChapter 25: The Quantum DimensionChapter 26: About the Mathematics of Microcosm Behav

Coherence is a robust methodology used by the universe to create timespace events. Time-space events, or things, are manifested from the quantum field when the energy of the quantum field becomes coherent with the life of you. Your consciousness gives you the unique power to form
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Your consciousness allows you to create a unique, individual, coherent system with the quantum field and, thus, command it to form your material world. While it is natural to envision a traditional master/servant relationship drawn from everyday human interactions when hearing terms like command, the actual process of forming coherence between you and the quantum field does not unfold like a master commanding a servant. You do not tell the quantum field what to form using anything like a verbal command one person would issue to another. The way coherence is created between you and the quantum field transcends verbal commands' gross limitations. This is excellent news for all of us; because of how coherence is formed, nothing the quantum field manifests according to your orders will ever be a mistake. The quantum field displays for you will always be a perfect match for your orders because they cannot be hindered by any
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And neither will your orders be created from your whims and sudden bursts of desire caused by intense emotional responses. The quantum field mostly couldnt care less what you consciously say you want or what your top-of-mind, conscious desires are. Although they are powerful, your words have far less effect upon the manifestations of the quantum field than you might have thought. Their power will be explained in more detail, but your comments are certainly not the vehicle through which coherence is formed between you and the quantum field. And, while you may be guessing that it is your thoughts that serve as that vehicle for coherence, you might be surprised to learn that is wrong also. Your thoughts are, indeed, powerful energy, but they are also word-based. Thus, while the point of your thoughts has the power to help you feel better in the moment and to elevate your mood, it does not play the primary
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Its tempting to wish that your orders could be delivered by such conventional means of human expression (like Aladdin commanded the Genie in the lamp). Still, I trust youll come to appreciate the real way they are given. After all, its not difficult to perceive the mess such a protocol could produce. The maxim Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it often proves true. The way you form coherence with the
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-d '{"rerank": true, "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "w-ZZ_TcKQTxYCzbMZC5ZSIbZcY49rC9deoItbECVt44", "query": "What is alexanDRIA library?"}'
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-d '{"vector": [0.123, 0.5236], "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "w-ZZ_TcKQTxYCzbMZC5ZSIbZcY49rC9deoItbECVt44", "level": 2}'