Created at 12pm, Apr 6
Advice for Web Site Managers
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You need help. Whatever type of web site you manage, you need help. Sometimes you don’t need very much help, and just a hint will do, but sometimes you need blue flashing lights and sirens and a full emergency team of assistants. This book is intended to sit somewhere between those two extremes. It might provide the occasional hint here and there or it might have the information you need to avoid a full-scale emergency.It is not intended to be a full-blown HTML or web design manual, nor does it presume to replace the acquisition of experience and knowledge over time. I do hope that it will be useful as a source book of ideas and suggestions, both to improve and enhance the performance and appearance of a site, and to assist in the ‘behind-the-scenes’ management that most web sites require.Thanks to the generosity of the contributors, this book includes two types of expert advice: case studies and tips and tricks.The case studies provide an insight into the way in which several well-known organisations have designed and developed their web sites. The organisations cover the spectrum from large to small, public to private sector, academic to commercial, and between them they deal with many of the key issues involved in designing, developing and maintaining a web site.The tips and tricks are the essential nuggets of information that you pick up almost by accident at the water fountain, on a training course, at a conference, or simply chatting with colleagues. Any single tip might save you hours of effort, or help you avoid a critical error, and put together they provide you with the equivalent of several years of hard-won experience at the coalface of web development.The book has been organised into six key sections, and the tips and tricks are located wherever they are most relevant. Most of the case studies, however, cover more than a single issue, so I have grouped them into two sections the first loosely covering general design issues, the second (equally loosely) covering structural and management issues.The supporting web site ( provides links to the sites used in case studies, as well as to the partners, tools and resources referred to throughout the book. This site will be maintained and expanded, and I welcome suggestions and additions to make the site as useful as possible to the web site management community.

An advanced knowledge-based organisation may have all staff involved in the development and management of the content management systemin other organisations there may be a core team to whom documents are delivered for conversion, classification and cataloguing. The Microsoft web site provides a white paper on content management systems that describes the process and requirements of an effective content management system: Issues, Solutions and Outcomes EARL: A New Look In the summer of 1999 the EARL web site underwent its first major revision. More constant and consistent updating and revision of the site is now part of our permanent policy. The major areas addressed were design, accessibility, navigation and functionality. The Issues
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Design, Accessibility, Navigation and Functionality The basic site layout and graphic design had not been changed for approximately four years. The site therefore had a somewhat dated appearance, and it was felt that the colour scheme was rather dark. In the redesign we were looking for something cleaner, with a lighter (preferably white) background colour to improve accessibility. The layout of the old front page prevented the addition of material to alert users to news about the consortium or new features on the site, and the primary search method was through a tool bar, which was particularly restrictive because it was difficult to add links to new categories of material. A revision was vital, not only because of the demand for the new, different and most current on the Web, but also because a primary function of the site is to serve as a model for good practice in public library web site design. Design and Functionality Tips and tricks for web site managers 32
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The Solutions Because the site is informational in nature, and representative of a national organisation, we wanted the new site to be straightforward and not commercial in its presentation. We decided not to use frames or an excess of JavaScript for accessibility reasons. In keeping with a somewhat serious, professional appearance, we also avoided too many graphics, especially of the animated variety.
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The new colour scheme marked a radical departure from the dark and sombre background of the previous years, and with the white background we were also able to give greater prominence to our logo. The front page was restructured to include a continually updated news section on one half of the page. Because EARLweb was the only service specifically identified on the old search tool bar it received what might be considered a disproportionate amount of visits, apparently at the expense of the other services. We therefore eliminated EARLweb from the current tool bar and included it in the list of other services in the drop-down menu and in the rotating list of logos for services on the other half of the front page. As of October 2000 we are still in the process of redesigning these logos. In the meantime we are experimenting with banners, representing each of the services, appearing randomly on each page. It is through the banners, as well as the logos, that we are able to include more colo
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How to Retrieve?
# Search

curl -X POST "" \
-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"rerank": true, "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "w6d-MxkCxcBgOuQC8xz57JCoQYrInEVCfhoJuTSWDok", "query": "What is alexanDRIA library?"}'
# Query

curl -X POST "" \
-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"vector": [0.123, 0.5236], "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "w6d-MxkCxcBgOuQC8xz57JCoQYrInEVCfhoJuTSWDok", "level": 2}'