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Nekhludoff was abashed for a moment, feeling a suspicion of his not being honest in these words, but he instantly recovered, and made use of the remark, in order to express what was in his mind, in reply. I should be glad to give it them, he said, but to whom, and how? To which of the peasants? Why, to your Resurrection commune, and not to that of Deminsk. (That was the name of a neighbouring village with very little land.) All were silent. Then the ex-soldier said, Just so. Now, then, tell me how would you divide the land among the peasants if you had to do it? said Nekhludoff. We should divide it up equally, so much for every man, said the oven-builder, quickly raising and lowering his brows. How else? Of course, so much per man, said the good natured lame man with the white strips of linen round his legs. Every one confirmed this statement, considering it sat-
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So much per man? Then are the servants attached to the house also to have a share? Nekhludoff asked. Oh, no, said the ex-soldier, trying to appear bold and merry. But the tall, reasonable man would not agree with him. If one is to divide, all must share alike, he said, in his
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It cant be done, said Nekhludoff, who had already 248 prepared his reply. If all are to share alike, then those who do not work themselvesdo not ploughwill sell their shares to the rich. The rich will again get at the land. Those who live by working the land will multiply, and land will again be scarce. Then the rich will again get those who need land into their power. Just so, quickly said the ex-soldier. Forbid to sell the land; let only him who ploughs it have it, angrily interrupted the oven-builder. To this Nekhludoff replied that it was impossible to know who was ploughing for himself and who for another. The tall, reasonable man proposed that an arrangement be made so that they should all plough communally, and those who ploughed should get the produce and those who did not should get nothing. To this communistic project Nekhludoff had also an answer ready. He said that for such an arrangement it would
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Tolstoy order to get that, all the people would have to agree. Our people could not be made to agree in a lifetime, said the cross old man. We should have regular fights, said the white-bearded old man with the laughing eyes. So that the thing is not as simple as it looks, said Nekhludoff, and this is a thing not only we but many have been considering. There is an American, Henry George. This is what he has thought out, and I agree with him. Why, you are the master, and you give it as you like. Whats it to you? The power is yours, said the cross old man. This confused Nekhludoff, but he was pleased to see that not he alone was dissatisfied with this interruption. You wait a bit, Uncle Simon; let him tell us about it, said the reasonable man, in his imposing bass. This emboldened Nekhludoff, and he began to explain Henry Georges single-tax system The earth is no mans; it is Gods, he began. Just so; that it is, several voices replied.
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