Created at 4pm, Mar 24
t2ruvaArtificial Intelligence
Guide for ChatGPT usage in teaching and learning
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ChatGPT escalated the conversation on the impact of Artificial Intelligence in Higher Educationwhen it was activated in November 2022. It disrupted the status quo in Higher Education whenstudents started using it to write their essay submissions. ChatGPT is a powerful large languagemodel (LLM) that mimics human conversation. Large language models have demonstratedimpressive results in identifying language patterns and predicting contextual words, andChatGPT excels at generating coherent and relevant textual responses with minimal input fromthe user. By leveraging its extensive database of trained language patterns, ChatGPT can providegenerated textual responses that accurately reflect the context of the user’s input. Thesegenerative Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies can be helpful for academics and students,providing personalised and adaptive learning experiences, improving student engagement, andreducing the burden on educators and administrators. However, these disruptions have alsoprompted educators to reconsider their teaching, curriculum, and assessment. It is essential toassess the benefits and limitations of these AI technologies carefully, including potential ethicalconcerns, and to adapt teaching strategies to ensure they align with the changing landscape ofeducational technology.ChatGPT is an easy-to-use AI tool that can assist with writing poems, coding, essays, and solvingmathematical equations. Best of all, it is currently available for free.AI holds immense promise in enhancing our productivity and learning. Nonetheless, it’simportant to note that ChatGPT cannot understand the meaning of text, but rather generatestext based on the relations between words it has latched onto during the training of its model.Thus ChatGPT should only assist learning and not act as a substitute for human creativity andcritical thinking.

Create guidelines Create a set of guidelines for effective project management based on these criteria What are the key elements that should be included in a social media policy? Assisting in replying to emails What is an appropriate response to this email from a colleague asking for feedback on a project? Translate written work into different languages Translate this report from English into Spanish. What is the French equivalent of this key term in my document? (Note that machine translation may not always be perfect, so its important to double-check the output to ensure accuracy). Assessment and the impact of ChatGPT
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Assessment is a critical component of higher education, as it makes students learning visible and evaluates their progress towards specific learning outcomes. To enhance the integrity of assessments, a balance of formative and summative assessments over time, collected from multiple sources, is essential. Various tools and approaches, including technology-enhanced and online assessments, can provide new opportunities for assessing student learning. However, it is important to ensure that students use these tools in a way that enhances academic integrity and does not undermine it. The University of Pretorias plagiarism declaration states I declare that this essay, report, project, assignment, dissertation, thesis, etc. is my own original work. Where other peoples work has been used (either from a printed source, the internet or any other source), this has been properly acknowledged and referenced in accordance with the requirements as stated in the Universitys plagiarism prevention poli
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ChatGPT has released a text classifier for AI-generated text ( while Turnitin is currently in the process of developing its own AI text classifier which will be available in the near future.
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With the advancement of technology, particularly with ChatGPT, assessments should focus on higherorder levels such as applications, analyses, and problem-solving. Lecturers should design assignments that pose issues with no straightforward correct answer to encourage students to think critically and creatively. Incorporating authentic assessments as part of a modules assessment strategy will provide students with the opportunity to provide direct evidence that they can apply module content to solve 5 real-life problems through the execution of tasks. By adopting a more holistic approach to assessments and encouraging deeper learning, lecturers can create an environment that supports students academic success and prepares them for future challenges. There are various ways in which lecturers can use ChatGPT for various assessment-related purposes: Task Examples
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