Created at 1pm, Jan 2
Magic The Gathering Dominaria Collected Stories
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"Magic: The Gathering Dominaria Collected Stories" is a series of Magic Story installments published by Wizards of the Coast, featuring stories set in the plane of Dominaria. The stories in this collection take place in the Dominaria universe, which is home to many of Magic's most famous characters and iconic locations.

They say a lot of things, Teferi countered. She was a very lovely woman, with strong features and a confident bearing. Her long braids had been tied back and piled atop her head and she wore the loose pants, shirt, and hooded robe of a caravan drover. A whip with a well-worn handle hung from her belt. The man was broad and muscular, wearing a sword and a warriors leather and metal jerkin, his dreadlocks ornamented with copper rings. From the darkness of their skin, they might be the children of Zhalfirin families left behind when Teferi had created the time rift, but so were many inhabitants of Femeref. It didnt necessarily mean they had come here with an ancient family vendetta to kill him. The man smiled, and in a more amiable tone said, This is Subira, and Im
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Kwende. Without waiting for Teferi to acknowledge the introduction, Subira said, You were expecting a visit from a man called Maket. Teferi kept his face polite, though he wasnt sure whether to be baffled or suspicious. Im sorry, you have the wrong Teferi. I wasnt expecting to see anyone named Maket today, or any other day. Subira lifted her brows, clearly skeptical. You werent. It wasnt a question, but Teferi answered it anyway. No, I wasnt. He leaned on his staff, intrigued. If this was the prelude to an assassination attempt, it was at least unique. What is this about? Watching him thoughtfully, Kwende explained, Maket said he was coming to see you, that that was the reason he was traveling here from SuqAta. I cant help what Maket said. Teferi was beginning to think it wasnt an assassination attempt after all, but an ordinary case of confused travelers misunderstanding one another. Youll have to look for him elsewhere. 102
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We dont need to look for him elsewhere, Subira said, her expression skeptical and grim. Hes dead. Teferi stared at her. Now he was more intrigued, and much warier. Would you tell me why youre here? She exchanged an opaque glance with Kwende, then finally said, I need to find out what happened at my caravan. Maket was killed in our camp, and he said he was coming here to see someone called Teferi. This was all very odd. Teferi said, I swear to you that I didnt know this Maket. He knew he should walk away, maybe even pack his few belongings and leave Sewa entirely. But his curiosity was piqued, and he asked, How was he killed? Kwendes expression was grave. By magic. Or at least thats what the caravans physician believes. Huh, Teferi thought. What sort of magic? Were not surenone of us is a mage. Kwende lifted his brows inquiringly. Are you? Subira still watched him like a predator hoping for prey to break cover. Teferi
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It sounds like you need a magistrate. Subira held her suspicious stare for a moment more, then grimaced. The magistrates in this town look on the caravan drovers as scapegoats for every crime that happens while were here. I dont want my people harassed. I want to find out who did this and turn the culprit over to the town judiciary myself. Teferi could see her point. He said, Im sorry, I dont know anything about this man Maket. And if he was sensible, he would leave it at that. But he had never been sensible, especially where a mystery was concerned. And if this Maket had really been coming to see him, he should find out why. Why did the physician think it was magic that killed him? Kwende said, Because its been two days and his body is not showing any sign of rot. He held up a hand. I know, the obvious solution is that hes still alive, but hes not breathing and hes as cold as a stone.
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