Created at 8am, Apr 6
Optimizing Healthcare with Integrated AI and Computer Vision IoT Solutions
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The world we live in now is a world surrounded by technological possibilities, and this world is the result of the imaginations, beliefs and efforts of people who lived many years ago and are still living today. The current works also create the founda\u0002tion for the future. One of such great ideas and results that have become a part of our daily life are artificial intelligence (AI) and AI-based technologies.It is noted in much literature that “the idea of man wanting to create machines that can think like humans has been around for years.” Concretely, the initial ideas about this have been known since the middle of the last century. In simple terms, the main content of the idea of AI is the design of technologies that are intelligent and can work independently (Rana et al., 2021).The main role model in the idea of AI is human-robotics. In other words, the main goal of AI is the creation of intelligent machines-systems that can think like humans, and make decisions in conditions of ‘inaccuracy’ and ‘uncertainty’ like humans.The term “artificial intelligence” was first proposed in 1956 by John McCarthy, known as “the father of artificial intelligence,” at a Dartmouth conference. In fact, the roots of this term go back to the 1940s. One of the first practical works was the use of the Bombe machine, created by Alan Turing, to break German ciphers – the Enigma machine – during World War II. In particular, the success of using this machine was one of the main events for realizing the idea of AI. One of Alan Turing’s contributions to AI is his idea “Can Machines Think?” It was to put for\u0002ward his opinion. The idea was mentioned in his paper “Computing Machines and Intelligence.” This was the paper that introduced the concept known as the Turing test to the public.Finally, for the first time, the concept of real AI was proposed by John McCarthy in 1955, for the 1956 Dartmouth conference become a reality. Next, a new stage of AI development began. AI is a broad field that encompasses computer science, data ana\u0002lytics and statistics, hardware and software engineering, linguistics, neuroscience, and even philosophy and psychology. So, AI has been containing and popularizing many different concepts depending on different areas.

Use of AI-aided Computer Vision for Drug Discovery and Development In the future, AI-aided CV is expected to play a more prominent role in drug discovery and development by analyzing large volumes of data to identify potential drug candidates and predict their efficacy and safety, leading to the faster and more efficient development of new drugs (Vilkoite et al., 2023). 2.6.3Increased Use of AI-aided Computer Vision in Telemedicine With the increased use of telemedicine, AACV is expected to play a critical role in remote diagnosis and treatment. Healthcare providers can use this technology to assess patients remotely, analyze medical images, and make informed decisions about treatment options (Khang et al., 2023d). AI algorithms can also monitor patients remotely and alert healthcare providers if any changes in their condition occur, allowing for early intervention and better outcomes (Liu et al., 2023). Using AACV in telemedicine will enable patients to receive high-quality care regar
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2.6.4 Development of More Advanced AI Algorithms for Medical Imaging Advanced AI algorithms for medical imaging will revolutionize healthcare systems by improving the accuracy and efficiency of diagnoses and treatment decisions. These algorithms can recognize patterns and anomalies that are difficult for the human eye to detect, enabling healthcare providers to make more informed decisions and improving patient outcomes (Gimeno-Garca et al., 2023; Tenajas et al., 2023). As a result, AACV in medical imaging can reduce the time and cost of diagnosis, leading to faster treatment and improved patient satisfaction. As the technology continues to evolve, we can expect even more advanced applications, such as predicting the onset of diseases and improving image-guided interventions. Using advanced AI algorithms for medical imaging has
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2.6.5 Development of More Personalized Treatment Plans Healthcare providers can use AI algorithms to analyze patient data and medical imaging, allowing for a more accurate diagnosis and treatment plan tailored to the individual patient. These algorithms will be able to identify patterns in patient data that are unique to each patient and use this information to develop a personalized treatment plan. This will lead to improved patient outcomes and a reduction in the trial-and-error approach currently used in healthcare (Gimeno-Garca et al., 2023; Yang et al., 2021). As technology evolves, it will become even more advanced, enabling healthcare providers to provide even more personalized patient care.
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Adoption of AI-Aided Computer Vision in Developing Countries The adoption of AACV in developing countries is expected to increase, driven by technological advancements and growing demand for better healthcare services. However, several challenges must be overcome, such as lack of infrastructure, trained personnel, and adequate funding (Bhattamisra et al., 2023; Yang et al., 2023). Collaboration between developed and developing countries and use of cloudbased solutions can help bridge the gap and enable healthcare providers in developing countries to access advanced healthcare technologies, including AACV. Furthermore, creating affordable and accessible solutions can help increase the adoption of AI-aided CV in developing countries. 2.6.7 Collaboration Between Healthcare Providers and Technology Companies There is expected to be increased collaboration between healthcare workers and tech corporations to develop and deploy AACV technologies that meet the specific needs of healthcare prov
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