Created at 8pm, Jan 4
Maximize Your AdSense CTR
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Step 7 Create high quality information pages Give the visitors to your website the answers they need. The keyword articles should give information about the topic and not ramble on with a disjointed list of sentences. When writing keyword articles, do not copy and paste from other websites. This is illegal. It's much better to write something new and unique. The writing in the articles should be of a conversational tone using language that the ordinary person will understand. For example, it would be of no point to write this ebook in completely technical language that only a computer programmer would understand. You would not be able to understand it and therefore not apply the techniques. The same is true of keyword articles. If the user does not like the first few sentences, he/she will not continue reading and will move on.
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Do not create a page about a topic and save it with another to try to generate high paying ads to your page. If your page is relevant to the topic, visitors will click-thru to other pages and ads. Step 8 Use the Best Ad Format For Your Web Page Ads can be placed on your web pages using several methods. Some examples are the following styles of ads: 1 Leaderboards (728 x 90) Displays 3 lines of text Shows up to 24 ads on a page, horizontally 2 Banner (468 x 60) Displays 3 lines of text Shows up to 4 ads on a page, horizontally 3 Skyscraper (120x 600) Displays 4 lines of text Shows up to 4 ads on a page, horizontally 4 Medium Rectangle (300 x 250)
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Displays 2 lines of text Shows up to 4 ads per page Research has shown the best format for ads to maximize click-thrus are 336 x 280 rectangles. The next best size is 300 x 250. Banner are the worst ads to show on a site and the tall thin ads dont fit well on a page because they are usually on the left or the right. The best placement of ads on a page is in the center right in the users line of vision. You have to put the ads in their face to maximize the effect of click-thrus by users. The best size ad to use is the 336 x 280 rectangle or if space ia at a premium use the 300 x 250 rectangle.
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Step 9 Make Sure That the Ad Block is Positioned Properly Where you have the ad located on your web page affects how often users will click on it. Ads should be as close to the top and the middle as possible. Internet users look to the center of the page to find information. If your ad is placed down the sides, it will often be overlooked. People who use your web page because of a keyword search are generally looking for specific information. Having the ad placed front and center will get their attention, whereas ads on the side will not. Place the large rectangle ads just above the content, not in the right or left hand columns.
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How to Retrieve?
# Search

curl -X POST "" \
-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"rerank": true, "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "x0UYROQz0afgg1FzyQNM91pZJpwmErw9TUiTu_qH8-s", "query": "What is alexanDRIA library?"}'
# Query

curl -X POST "" \
-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"vector": [0.123, 0.5236], "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "x0UYROQz0afgg1FzyQNM91pZJpwmErw9TUiTu_qH8-s", "level": 2}'