Created at 1pm, Dec 29
The Relationship between Social Media and Empathy
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The relationship between social media and empathy has not been explored extensively. Research on the expression of emotion and the association with empathy displayed on social media websites has been minimally explored. This study sought to support the findings that chatting online leads to expressions of empathy and a positive relationship exists between conversing with others online and empathic expression.

" This scale was used to augment the Facebook Intensity Scale and the Interpersonal Reactivity Index, with items addressing concepts not appearing in those scales. Items one and two were created with Likert-type anchor options and were based on items used by Vagias (2006). Item four was developed in order to ascertain the type of device normally used in accessing Facebook. Other items are designed to measure ways that people may use Facebook features, or the extent to which they interact to others who express distress. The Shyness and Sociability Scales for Adults (see Appendix E), was created by Asendorpf and Wilpers (1998). This is a 10-item measure with items rated on a Likert-type scale using anchors ranging from 1 (not at all) to 5 (completely), indicating how true the statement is to the respondent. The scale authors define shyness as tension and inhibition with others, and
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Coefficient alpha is good, with alpha =.80 for shyness, and =.70 for sociability.
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The Ten-Item Personality Inventory, or TIPI (see Appendix F), was developed by Gosling, Rentfrow, and Swann (2003). It is a brief word pair measure assessing the Big Five 31 personality factors. Each item consists of two descriptors, rated on a 7-point scale ranging from 1 (disagree strongly) to 7 (agree strongly). The scale has 5 reverse-scored items, one for each personality trait. The items of interest for the present study were the extraversion items, items 1 and 6. Validity of the TIPI was compared to the Big-Five Inventory (BFI), developed by John and Srivastava (1999), and found to be good, correlating highly with BFI scores (Extraversion = .87, Agreeableness = .70, Conscientiousness = .75, Emotional Stability = .81, and Openness to Experience = .65). Cronbach's alpha for the TIPI Big-Five items alphas were .68, .40, .50, .73, and .45, for extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, and openness to
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Demographic questions (see Appendix G) asked about participants' age, ethnicity, relationship status, years in school, and involvement in school organizations and followed all other surveys in the study. Procedure Participants signed up for the study via an online site called the SONA research system. They went to went to the website to read the online informed consent form and, after providing consent, were connected to the surveys in the study. Participants completed the IRI, FBI, Social Activity and Emotional Reactivity Scale, TIPI and the Shyness and Sociability scale questionnaires via the Qualtrics online research survey program. Items on the FBI, IRI, TIPI and Shyness and Sociability surveys were randomized. Demographic information was gathered after participants completed the FBI and IRI scales as well as the Social Activity and Emotional
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