Created at 8pm, Mar 26
Altered patterning of neural activity in a tauopathy mouse model
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C. Hoffman1, J. Cheng2, R. Morales1, D. Ji2, Y. Dabaghian11- Department of Neurology,The University of Texas McGovern Medical School,6431 Fannin St, Houston, TX 770302- Department of Neuroscience,Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX 77030,∗e-mail: March 26, 2024)Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a complex neurodegenerative condition that manifests at multiple levels and involves a spectrum of abnormalities ranging from the cellular to cognitive. Here, we investigate the impact of AD-related tau-pathology on hippocampal circuits in mice engaged in spatial navigation, and study changes of neuronal firing and dynamics of extracellular fields. While most studies are based on analyzing instantaneous or time averaged characteristics of neuronal activity, we focus on intermediate timescales—spike trains and waveforms of oscillatory potentials, which we consider as single entities. We find that, in healthy mice, spike arrangements and wave patterns (series of crests or troughs) are coupled to the animal’s location, speed, and acceleration. In contrast, in tau-mice, neural activity is structurally disarrayed: brainwave cadence is detached from locomotion, spatial selectivity is lost, the spike flow is scrambled. Importantly, these alterations start early and accumulate with age, which exposes progressive disinvolvement the hippocampus circuit in spatial navigation. These features highlight qualitatively different neurodynamics than the ones provided by conventional analyses, and are more salient, thus revealing a new level of the hippocampal circuit disruptions. Significance. We expose differences in WT and tau brains, emerging at the circuit level, using a novel, morphological perspective on neural activity. This approach allows identifying qualitative changes in spiking patterns and in extracellular field oscillations, that are not discernible through traditional time-localized or time-averaged analyses. In particular, analyses of activity patterns facilitates detection of neurodegenerative deviations, conspicuously linking their effects to behavior and locomotion, thus opening a new venue for understanding how the architecture of neural activity shifts from normal to pathological.

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R and In terms of spatial maps, both young and old WT mice show clear lap-dependent R-patterning as well as a higher diversity of patterns at the food wells, while tau-mice ripple impartially, with scores deviating sporadically from the background (Fig. 10E,F, S10). 1 Note that the 2-criterion for selecting R is much lower than the one used in SWR detection (typically 5 7), which allows identifying R in tau-mice of both age groups. 2 Note similarity with the -peak numbers. 14
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FIG. 10. Ripple event stochasticity. A. The haphazardness of R-patterns in young WT mice (top panel) and old WT mice (bottom panel), is trending during inactivity and scrambles during runs, in a speed-coupled manner. The disorder is also high during quiescence (w R 1 at maximal speed). (continued) B. In tau-mice, R-patterns do not distinguish between moving and quiescent states, and are uncoupled from speed. Additionally, both orderliness and haphazardness remain much lower than in WTs and do not get atypical, indicating that tau-rippling is stochastically uneventful and unresponsive to moves or quiescence. C. WT Rw-patterns produce significantly higher and -scores, indicating a much wider range of patterns compared to tau-mice. D. On average, R and w speed is twice closer to w R for both young and old mice reveal spatially specific patterning of R. In contrast, spatially scattered R-values indicate disorder and varied patterns throughout and between laps.
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R 2), and nearly periodic during movement (w R than to R, and acceleration is twice closed to w R that to R. E. Spatial maps of w Rand 15 IV. DISCUSSION
id: aa550ed89fadeaf5e1806ff6724cb18f - page: 15
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