Created at 11pm, Mar 29
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INTRODUCTION: The Hidden Side of Everything 1In which the book’s central idea is set forth: namely, if morality represents how people would like the world to work, then economics showshow it actually does work.Why the conventional wisdom is so often wrong . . . How “experts”—from criminologists to real-estate agents to political scientists—bend thefacts . . . Why knowing what to measure, and how to measure it, is the keyto understanding modern life…What is “freakonomics,” anyway?1. What Do Schoolteachers and Sumo Wrestlers Havein Common? 15In which we explore the beauty of incentives, as well as their darkside—cheating.C o n t e n t sWho cheats? Just about everyone . . . How cheaters cheat, and how tocatch them …Stories from an Israeli day-care center… The sudden disappearance of seven million American children…Cheating schoolteachersin Chicago . . . Why cheating to lose is worse than cheating to win…Could sumo wrestling, the national sport of Japan, be corrupt? . . . Whatthe Bagel Man saw: mankind may be more honest than we think.2. How Is the Ku Klux Klan Like a Groupof Real-Estate Agents? 49In which it is argued that nothing is more powerful than information,especially when its power is abused.Spilling the Ku Klux Klan’s secrets . . . Why experts of every kind are inthe perfect position to exploit you… The antidote to information abuse:the Internet . . . Why a new car is suddenly worth so much less the momentit leaves the lot . . . Breaking the real-estate agent code: what “well maintained” really means . . . Is Trent Lott more racist than the average WeakestLink contestant?…What do online daters lie about?3. Why Do Drug Dealers Still Live with Their Moms? 79In which the conventional wisdom is often found to be a web of fabrication, self-interest, and convenience.Why experts routinely make up statistics; the invention of chronic halitosis . . . How to ask a good question…Sudhir Venkatesh’s long, strangetrip into the crack den…Life is a tournament . . . Why prostitutes earnmore than architects…What a drug dealer, a high-school quarterback,and an editorial assistant have in common . . . How the invention of crackcocaine mirrored the invention of nylon stockings . . . Was crack the worstthing to hit black Americans since Jim Crow?4. Where Have All the Criminals Gone? 105In which the facts of crime are sorted out from the fictions.What Nicolae Ceaus¸escu learned—the hard way—about abortion…ivC o n t e n t sWhy the 1960s was a great time to be a criminal…Think the roaring1990s economy put a crimp on crime? Think again . . . Why capital punishment doesn’t deter criminals . . . Do police actually lower crime rates?…Prisons, prisons everywhere …Seeing through the New York City police “miracle” …What is a gun, really? . . . Why early crack dealers werelike Microsoft millionaires and later crack dealers were like…The superpredator versus the senior citizen…Jane Roe, crime stopper:how the legalization of abortion changed everything.5. What Makes a Perfect Parent? 133In which we ask, from a variety of angles, a pressing question: do parents really matter?The conversion of parenting from an art to a science . . . Why parentingexperts like to scare parents to death…Which is more dangerous: a gun ora swimming pool?… The economics of fear…Obsessive parents and thenature-nurture quagmire . . . Why a good school isn’t as good as you mightthink . . . The black-white test gap and “acting white” …Eight thingsthat make a child do better in school and eight that don’t.6. Perfect Parenting, Part II; or: Would aRoshanda by Any Other Name Smell as Sweet? 163In which we weigh the importance of a parent’s first official act—naming the baby.A boy named Winner and his brother, Loser . . . The blackest namesand the whitest names… The segregation of culture: why Seinfeld nevermade the top fifty among black viewers . . . If you have a really bad name,should you just change it?…High-end names and low-end names (andhow one becomes the other)…Britney Spears: a symptom, not a cause…Is Aviva the next Madison?…What your parents were telling the worldwhen they gave you your name.vC o n t e n t sEPILOGUE: Two Paths to Harvard

This is an encouraging nding on two fronts. It means that young black children have continued to make gains relative to their white counterparts. It also means that whatever gap remains can be linked to a handful of readily identiable factors. The data reveal that black children who perform poorly in school do so not because they are black but because a black child is more likely to come from a lowincome, low-education household. A typical black child and white child from the same socioeconomic background, however, have the same abilities in math and reading upon entering kindergarten.
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Great news, right? Well, not so fast. First of all, because the average black child is more likely to come from a low-income, low-education household, the gap is very real: on average, black children still are scoring worse. Worse yet, even when the parents income and education are controlled for, the black-white gap reappears within just two years of a childs entering school. By the end of rst grade, a black child is underperforming a statistically equivalent white child. And the gap steadily grows over the second and third grades. Why does this happen? Thats a hard, complicated question. But 1 5 0 W h a t M a k e s a P e r f e c t P a r e n t ?
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. . bad. Even fty years after Brown v. Board, many American schools are virtually segregated. The ECLS project surveyed roughly one thousand schools, taking samples of twenty children from each. In 35 percent of those schools, not a single black child was included in the sample. The typical white child in the ECLS study attends a school that is only 6 percent black; the typical black child, meanwhile, attends a school that is about 60 percent black.
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Just how are the black schools bad? Not, interestingly, in the ways that schools are traditionally measured. In terms of class size, teachers education, and computer-to-student ratio, the schools attended by blacks and whites are similar. But the typical black students school has a far higher rate of troublesome indicators, such as gang problems, nonstudents loitering in front of the school, and lack of PTA funding. These schools offer an environment that is simply not conducive to learning.
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