Created at 9pm, May 31
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The explosive heat created by the TSAR bomb is like 20 thousand suns shining simultaneously in the sky for a moment.

Using NUKEMAP, the effects of such bombs can be simulated by selecting the explosion zones. It is estimated that there will be more than 90 thousand deaths in our country in a simulation to be made in Ankara using the "little boy" bomb. When the same bomb is simulated in a way that it cannot explode on the ground, the number of deaths increases to 42 thousand. In other words, the effect of the bomb is actually directly effective when it is detonated in the air. The main reason for this situation is that the nuclear particles contained in the bomb reduce its complementarity and nuclear reaction due to the many factors with which it can interact on the ground. In other words, the main purpose of detonating bombs at high altitudes is to increase the destructive effect by keeping the pressure effect and nuclear reaction at the highest level.
id: 3ac079817e5876d5ff77af6c3d25b4ef - page: 1
In order to better understand its effect, when we simulated the 100-megaton TSAR bomb being detonated on the ground in Kzlay using NUKEMAP, a crater with an inner diameter of 2 km and an outer diameter of 3.5 km was formed in the area where the explosion occurred, and this crater reached 430 meters below the ground. When the same experiment is simulated in the Taksim region of Istanbul, 4 large waves occur. The first and most destructive wave has a radius of 4 km and everything that exists is destroyed. The 2nd big wave had a radius of 13 km and would cause all buildings to collapse and all life in the area to end. The 3rd big wave covered approximately the whole of Istanbul. Most of the buildings in this area would collapse and most of the inhabitants would be injured due to the pressure and large fires would break out.4 . and the last wave covered
id: 992d76a40dbdaf7c8c02bd8c4812590d - page: 1
The explosive heat created by the TSAR bomb is like 20 thousand suns shining simultaneously in the sky for a moment. The radiation effect created by this bomb is actually not very important because it remains within the 1st and strongest wave created by the explosion, and this area indicates the area that will be completely destroyed after the explosion. In the simulation, it simulates that 7.8 million people will lose their lives in Istanbul and 3.3 million people in Ankara. If there is a 3rd war, humanity will be able to fight the 4th world war with wooden sticks.
id: 3bb3a9f6005dfc22b7516a1b98209934 - page: 2
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