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Read this warm tale of camaraderie and affection set in the wild and beautiful Savannah in our free illustrated kid's book. Ginger the giraffe uses her long neck to save the other animals from the blazing forest fire. Follow them in their jungle paths as they all meet with yet another adventure .

So they started their journey across to the other side of the savannah to look for Leo. Ginger and Mickey were in luck! Leo was sitting up on a rock and he was really easy to see as they walked through the grass. Hi, Leo! they both shouted. Leo had been napping and was a little grumpy when they woke him up. But he was polite and said, Hello Ginger and Mickey. Why did you walk the whole way across the savannah? Just to wake me up? But he was joking; he had a smile on his face. Mickey says that there is no food left on the savannah because its been so dry, said Ginger. Do you have any ideas? Leo thought for a while. He said, Theres nothing we can do about the rain. It will come soon, but we cant be sure when it will arrive. When the rain comes, all the plants will grow again and there will be lots of food for everybody. He thought a little longer. The only thing I can think of is for everyone to move closer to the forest, he continued.
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There will be more things to eat there, but I know its a long trip and it will not be very easy. It might take days to get there. Ginger and Mickey looked at each other and then looked back at Leo. Thank you, Leo, said Ginger. Its probably best if they all try to get closer to the jungle. They said goodbye and then walked back across the savannah. Now they needed to gather all of the animals together to start the long journey. Ginger didnt need to go along because she had plenty of food in her high trees. But she was a good friend and wanted to help as much as she could. They walked towards her favorite trees and guess what she and Mickey saw? All of the animals were already gathered there and waiting for Ginger and Mickey! Why are you all here? asked Ginger. Eddie the Eagle told us that youre taking us to the edge of the jungle, said one of the zebras. How did he know? asked Mickey. He heard you talking with Leo, said one of the
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So youve all decided to try to walk together to the jungle? asked Ginger. Yes, they all answered. If youll help us to get there, added one of the elephants. Of course, Ill help, said Ginger. Im your friend. So they started on their big journey across the savannah to the jungle. The sun was so hot and there was no food and no place to get a drink of water. And then they heard it. It was thunder! Thunder! they all shouted. Thunder was very scary to the animals of the savannah. Can you guess why? Fire! Sometimes the lightning hits the dry grass and the whole savannah catches fire. Then everyone has to run. And that is exactly what happened. Fire! they shouted. They could smell it. And now they could see it. The fire was coming towards them! Ginger had to think fast. Because she was so tall she could see farther than any of the other animals. She stretched her long neck up as far as she could. Now she could see a place where there was no
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Quick! she said. Everyone run this way. All of the animals followed her and ran as fast as they could. Soon, they were out of danger. They stopped and gathered together one more time. Is everyone here? Ginger asked. She wanted to make sure they were all safe. All the animals looked around; they were all there. And then the most wonderful thing happened. I felt a drop, said a zebra. Me too, said an antelope. It was rain! Finally! Everyone was very happy. It started to rain a little more and then a little more. The rain put out the fire so they didnt have to run. And the rain filled their watering holes and made the plants grow again, so they didnt have to make that long trip to the edge of the jungle. Everyone would soon have enough food and water. So Ginger, the Giraffe went back to her favorite tree and continued to munch on the leaves and buds. Your Story Book! A book specially made, with you as the main hero or heroine!
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