Created at 12pm, Feb 5
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What I Bought in Disneyland Paris, Disneyland guide , travel to Disneyland

Mickey mini Stitch there's so much Stitch match I cannot tell you obviously you've got a lot of princess match as well so that's why the princesses are there then Spider-Man is kind of like the face of the Avengers I (04:20) feel in Disneyland Paris like you see more Spider-Man than you do of any other superhero essentially the same concept on the blue it is just smaller and in blue I do prefer the blue one I just I really like it that's the bags let's start with what I actually bought should we start with the pins cuz they're the smallest I didn't actually buy as many pins as last time last time I literally bought like 20 pins I feel I think I only bought about six or seven this time around which is very big progress I was
id: 294cd6449fb73e1055df4adab775e368 - page: 12
(04:48) expecting to buy way more but I just didn't see too many that I was like I'd need that in my life do you know so in no particular order first we have this Bell pin I think this is so pretty when I went in the summer there were literally no bell pins there's literally I got um like Belle and her peasant dress last time that was Lally the only Bell pin I could find and then obviously they had like the beast in like Lumia and cogsworth but I just I wanted Belle and that was the only one I could find
id: d029ab508fd4fa87859782463ad2eb20 - page: 12
(05:14) but this time around they had four variations of Belle so I got one of the four and I got this one with her reading to lumere and I just think it's a really cute pin it's really pretty and like I've mentioned loads of times before be and the Beast is one of my favorite Disney films Tangled is my ultimate favorite like Disney film that I love um and constantly rewatch but they don't have much Tangled stuff in the park they really want more Tangled stuff by next time that I go please let there be more
id: 5b8a0d3b045d64df86abdacd14680ce6 - page: 12
(05:41) Tangled match please I'm begging you let's continue with the princess theme I got a lot of princess pins this time around because last time there weren't too many there was like the main princesses that were available were Aurora Ariel and Cinderella and they had like multiple versions of them I got one of each but even like with cinder Cella pins they didn't really have many um so so next I got this Cinderella pin I absolutely love this I just think it's really cute and really pretty I did
id: 5f87091b37f1bee5705cd5638443e3c7 - page: 12
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