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Metu LIN Vocabulary list

Understandable Movement Negative Possibility Preparation Useful Valuable Weakness in advance (phrase) (un)reliable (adj) reject (v) impression (n) impact (n) anxious (adj) applicant (n) (non)verbal (adj) pay off (phrasal verb) 9.2 Artistic (adj) Confident (adj) Capable (adj) Enthusiastic (adj) Determined (adj) Independent (adj) mind (v) frustrated opportunity (n) 9.3 Potential / unlikely (adj) candidate (n) Temporary / permanent (adj) employment (n) Fully / highly (adj) qualified (n) Senior / junior (adj) executive (n) require (v) S 1 UNIT 8 VISION differences between look at, watch, and see Reading 1: according to, behave, exactly, exist, instead, mind, object, scene, trick, make sense of, horizontal, vertical, optical illusion, depend on, appear, include, brief, be based on
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Reading 2: background, blood, conditions, decorate, opposite, represent, warn, wave, unity, peace, freedom, break a rule, purity, prosperity, agriculture, wealth, revolution, dynasty Academic Words: brief, individual, previously, professional, section, select, series, team WEEK 5 MTR 108 CONTROL YOUR DREAMS consciously to be aware of sth. to facilitate problem-solving to be beneficial for/to sb. to overcome fears handicapped people disadvantaged people to realize a dream a breakthrough in sth. a vivid dream to occur abruptly to devote time to (doing) sth. stimulating to feel disappointed currently a considerable amount of time dreadful S 1 UNIT 10 WORK Reading 1: battery, charge, fail, land, on board, pattern, run out, figure something out, solar, solar panel, descend, turbulence, sponsor, cloud-based storage system, gadget, treat, attitude, break down
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Reading 2: avoid, certainly, dull, robot, program, situation, provide, job, lead, reward Vocabulary development skill: collocations related to work earn money, schedule a meeting, go to a meeting, send an e-mail, meet a client, wear a uniform, ask for time off, ask for a raise, get paid, get promoted, make a phone call, make money, take a day off, take notes, work overtime, work from home, write a report, write an e-mail Academic Words: attitude, contact, colleague, cycle, document, file, predict, promote WEEK 6 MTR1 49 LIFE ON MARS to analyze sth. basic drifting solid vast to survive tiny MTR1 101 SPICE TRADE willing X reluctant to demand sth. demand route source to trade sth. to obtain sth. close monopoly to compete with sb. investment worthwhile motive to encourage sb. to do sth. to date back to a period/time MTR1 119 BRAIN CIRCUITS to scatter sth. simultaneously misconception stationery instantly to activate sth. consciously partially
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MTR1 139 PROFESSIONAL SPORTS to compete in sth. spectator to demonstrate sth. admirable to charge sb. with sth. to look up to sb. controversy to criticize sb./sth. to behave behavior to deny (doing) sth. outstanding violence expenses WA 4 UNIT 3 FRONTIERS 3.3 decade (n) humankind (n) launch (n) (v) drawback (n) ultimate (adj) argument (n) fund (v) (n) short-term/long-term benefit mission (n) poverty (n) issue (n) shut down contribution (n) perspective (n) 3.5 compass (n) printing press Pronunciation skill: Shifting stress in suffix words (pg. 38) personal personality admire admiration achieve achievement member membership happy happiness confident confidence disappoint disappointment available availability differ difference apply application relation relationship lazy laziness develop development possible possibility intelligent intelligence recognize recognition explore exploration invention (n)
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