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In Hungary, very little data is available on vegetarianism,even though the phenomenon affects many sectors of the economy.Initially, we intended to examine the impact of vegetarianism on theagricultural sector when we realized that there was no adequate dataavailable. Therefore, to collect adequate data on this issue, we compiled aquestionnaire on September 9, 2021. We weighted our data based on thedistribution of gender/age and gender/education level of the country. In ourexperiment, involving 1642 Hungarian participants over age 7, 86% of therespondents were regular meat consumers, 9 % flexitarians, 2 %pescatarians, 2 % vegetarians, and 1% vegans. The proportion of peopleconsuming reduced amounts of meat was the highest between ages 46-60. The proportion of the most radical vegetarian forms is the highest inthe 19–25 age group. The proportion of vegetarians in the Hungarianpopulation increases with the education level, as it is the highest amongPh.D. graduates. In the case of the older generation, health motivation,while in the case of the younger generation, environmental and animalwelfare motivation is crucial in choosing the form of nutrition. The love ofmeat's taste and the idea that it is impossible to live a healthy life withoutit are the two most important reasons Hungarians consume meat. Currentcosts do not influence the choice of meat versus plant nutrition, butHungarian society would be sensitive to significant increases in meatprices. Omnivores would largely give up eating meat due to healthproblems, but they are open to laboratory-produced meat. If artificial meatwere offered in supermarkets at affordable prices with the right taste andtexture, 43% of respondents would stop eating meat.

Contrary to the previous question, omnivorous participants are also questioned about the main reasons for consuming meat. As Figure 3 shows, the most important motivation for eating meat is to like the taste of meat. Most respondents think and believe that meat is essential for humans because it contains nutrients that cannot be replaced in any other way. Many people consume meat because of customs or family traditions. It is not the most significant reason, but some respondents still feel they dont know enough about plant-based recipes to pursue a plant-based diet. Several tried to give up eating meat but could not change their diet. The fewest participants consume meat simply because they dont have enough time or money for plant-based foods (Figure 3).
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To determine if the number of vegetarians will rise in the near future, we must first understand the variables that might induce people to change their diet. Most respondents would probably do anything for their health. As a result, people today would refrain from eating meat if they had health The current state of vegetarianism in Hungary 45 problems (e.g., arthritis, high cholesterol). Based on the results, Hungarian society seems to accept the meat produced by artificial tissue production under laboratory conditions. Many respondents (43%) claimed they would consider eating other animal products if artificial meat were accessible in supermarkets at reasonable rates. According to our findings, the price of meat has a moderate impact on Hungarian society. human is an Figure 3. The primary reasons why people in Hungary prefer an omnivorous diet (Number of answers of participants) other job 19
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What factors might lead participants to abstain from meat consumption? (Number of answers of participants) 46 J. Csabai et al. A fifth of respondents said that a large increase in pricing would make them stop eating beef. Many people would switch to a plant-based diet if they knew vegetarian recipes, if they lived in a different country or climate, or if their family and/or friends changed their eating habits. Few people believe that their job has any impact on their diet. About 10% of respondents were completely reluctant to switch to a plant-based diet. However, it is important to note that the response only offers us an impression of the respondents' attitudes, not how they would act in an actual circumstance.
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It is almost inevitable that health problems will occur with aging. As shown in Figure 5, people would be more likely to continue a vegetarian lifestyle as they get older for health reasons. We also found a correlation between age and the acceptance of artificial meat. The 36-45 age group has the most positive attitudes towards artificial meat, while the youngest and oldest are the most negative. In a major increase in meat prices, the same two generations would be most affected and would opt to consume plant-based diets. Interestingly, the younger generation thinks that no factor can force them to give up meat. As you age, you become less and less likely to cling to meaty foods (Figure 5). % 70 60 health artificial meat 50 price 40 environment 30 recipes different country 20 nothing 10 0 7-14 y 15-18 y 19-25 y 26-35 y 36-45 y 46-60 y 61y Figure 5. Possible motivators for giving up meat by age. (Percentage within the age group)
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