Created at 7pm, Aug 11
Liverpool FC
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Liverpool FC

This is just one example of the changes we are making. There is a long way to go, but we are committed to the journey. In 2021, we became a signatory of the United Nations Sports for Climate Action Framework, joining over 300 global sports organisations in a collective ambition to drive action on carbon emissions and climate change. Furthermore, in January 2022, we increased our level of ambition and signed up to the UN Race to Zero. The framework also outlines the significant carbon impact of fans within sport and commits us to take responsibility for this by implementing practical reduction plans. The UN Race to Zero framework commits us to achieving specific climate goals of halving our operational emissions by 2030 and aiming to achieve net zero by 2040. F O C U S A R E A : C A R B O N E M I S S I O N S Our carbon emission inventory has been developed using the best available data. It includes Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions for LFCs UK activities.
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Scope 1 carbon emissions are those caused directly by the operational running of the Club, generally by burning fossil fuels. We use 100% green gas tariff for our natural gas. This has helped reduce these emissions from 1,583 tonnes in our 2019-2020 baseline season to 285 tonnes. Scope 2 carbon emissions are created by the electricity consumed by the Club. By switching to 100% renewables tariff we have reduced these emissions to zero. Scope 3 carbon emissions are created by the procurement of products and services across the supply chain, including travel and our merchandise operations. Our emissions in this scope were 140,198 tonnes.
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SCOPE 3 EMISSIONS STREAMING AND TV The impact of fans on sporting events is significant. For LFC this is no different and we have also looked at the direct impact from travel to matches. However, only a small proportion of fans attend the events in person. The majority of fans consume the matches and content, either through their TV or live streaming. The Carbon Trust recently published an analysis of the carbon impact of streaming content. This set a proxy of 55gCO2e/hr of streamed content. We therefore carried out an initial estimate based on this, best available data has been carried out to start to calculate the carbon impact of this virtual fan impact. O U R C A R B O N E M I S S I O N R E D U C T I O N P L A N ALL FIGURES ARE IN TONNES CO2 EMITTED BASELINE YEAR 19/20 TRW LAUNCHED 20/21 1 E P O C S FUEL 382 382 GAS 1,200 1 (Green tariff implemented) 2 E P O C S ELECTRICITY 0 (Green tariff implemented) 0 EMPLOYEE TRAVEL 1,334 173 SUPPLY CHAIN 14,790 16,506
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CATERING 3,222 807 3 E P O C S TEAM FLIGHTS 1,256 208 FAN TRAVEL 12,331 COVID season WASTE 21 N/A WEBSITE 361 361 MERCHANDISE 91,887 160,147 PROGRESS 21/22 284 1 0 1,375 17,071 2,663 755 15,498 15 278 117,598 Y T I L A R T U E N N O B R A C E R U S N E O T R A E Y Y R E V E T N E M T I M M O C N O I T A S N E P M O C N O B R A C
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