Created at 2pm, Apr 4
Best of Series: On Human Nature and Human Progress - Noam Chomsky
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This episode is part of The Psychology Podcast's \'Best of Series\', where they highlight some of the most exciting, enthralling, and enlightening episodes from their archives.Today it’s great to have the legendary Noam Chomsky on the podcast. Noam is a public intellectual, linguist, and political activist. He’s the author of many influential books, including Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media, and his latest book with Robert Pollin called Climate Crisis and The Green New Deal: The Political Economy of Saving The Planet. Chomsky is also known for helping to initiate and sustain the cognitive revolution. He’s the Laureate Professor of Linguistics at The University of Arizona and Institute Professor Emeritus at MIT.The Psychology Podcast, December 2023

If I say the wrong thing or do something slightly the wrong way, then it's a tragedy.
start: 62:28 - end: 62:35
I won't be killed, but you have to be expelled from the society.
start: 62:35 - end: 62:41
If you go that far, you're doing completely the wrong thing, totally.
start: 62:41 - end: 62:46
So it's possible to take important issues and to destroy them by just not handling them.
start: 62:46 - end: 62:54
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# Query

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