Created at 4pm, Mar 24
t2ruvaArtificial Intelligence
ChatGPT in the Public Sector – overhyped or overlooked?
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The unprecedented success of AI toolslike ChatGPT caught many by surprise. But large language models (LLM)are here to stay and will continue togrow in sophistication. These modelsuse natural language processing algorithms to interpretand respond to text-based human input. Whilst it is possible to grasp the basic principles which drive modelssuch as ChatGPT, the companies behind them - mostlyUS-based - are becoming increasingly coy about releasing detailed information on the code and parameterswhich determine the way they generate their outputs.That makes it more challenging to assess the implications and impact of integrating large language modelsinto the workplace. At the current rate of expansion, it’sonly a matter of time before such models are integratedinto the public sector with wide practical applications, advantages, and possible efficiency gains, from24/7 availability to managing large volumes of inquiriessimultaneously.But there are also limitations. While sophisticated Al suchas ChatGPT may seem extremely intelligent, capable, andreliable, this is not a wholly accurate picture. ChatGPTcertainly has some capabilities at a speed and scale thathumans do not, but it sometimes provides responseswhich are inaccurate, biased, or nonsensical. Its purelymathematical approach to reasoning should not be mistaken for human-like intelligence.If ChatGPT and similar tools become part of daily workflows, this trend will also affect public institutions. By providing services which are instrumental to the functioningof the State and affecting the rights and obligations ofcitizens, the public sector is particularly sensitive to theintroduction of such AI-based technologies. Public administration has its own characteristics and principles whichdistinguish it from the private sector. By extension, the keyprinciples of public administration such as accountability,transparency, impartiality, or reliability need to be considered thoroughly in the integration process.To benefit from the advantages offered by ChatGPT andsimilar tools, risks should be recognised, managed and,where possible, mitigated. Whilst some of the existinglimitations will be addressed by technological advances,others, such as biases, are of a more structural natureand cannot be fully corrected. Measures are therefore needed to ensure that the appropriate proceduresand human controls are in place as well as theestablishment of feedback loops from the citizens andindependent audits.In the absence of clear regulation on ChatGPT accountability, humans are needed to monitor output especiallywhen considering what lies ahead. And only humanscan provide the personalised services, flexibility, emotional intelligence, and critical thinking needed to fulfil therequirements of public service.

14 without users consent, it includes a lot of publicly accessible information of which citizens may be unaware data that could also have been leaked or inadvertently shared86. With the right queries, adversaries can get LLMs to disclose information on an individual, such as an elected official or indeed any private citizen, without their consent. Thirdly, LLMs, with their capacity to generate code upon request can facilitate access to the development of malware. Even though built-in safeguards are supposed to stop ChatGPT from creating malware, security experts have shown that these features can be circumvented87. The public sector is beginning to look at a mix of measures designed to reduce the most significant risks. Most of these measures relate to the models themselves and how they are run, while others concern regulation and the way the models are used.
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This could create problems with sensitive internal data that needs to stay on site and would also incur costs from an external cloud provider.
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Models could be run locally. Edge models are models that are deliberately small-scale and can either be fine-tuned larger models or smaller models trained from scratch. They can be run on-site and without access to the internet, which greatly improves costs and privacy, making them more suitable for the more limited means of public sector IT systems. As they do not need to transmit data to a cloud, they can even be faster than internet-connected models depending on the hardware used to run them. Because of their small size, edge models offer only a limited functionality89. There is also evidence that, even though the error rates are not so different from larger models, the compression techniques could amplify biases in certain areas90.
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Open-source and European models could be used. There is a wide range of open-source models currently available for fine-tuning. Providers such as HuggingFace or Streamlit can easily be used to create institutional applications. In addition, as mentioned earlier, there are already several global and pan-European research consortia working on providing more affordable open-source models that are better adapted to European needs, including pushing multilingualism in training data. But these initiatives will need more time and funding to catch up with the very significant lead from state-of-theart models developed by US industry. Measures concerning regulation
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How to Retrieve?
# Search

curl -X POST "" \
-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"rerank": true, "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "z8NwvJSagmlH_AWCVDn8IzZfixXx5eOV_KuCN50j0Fk", "query": "What is alexanDRIA library?"}'
# Query

curl -X POST "" \
-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"vector": [0.123, 0.5236], "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "z8NwvJSagmlH_AWCVDn8IzZfixXx5eOV_KuCN50j0Fk", "level": 2}'