Created at 11am, Jan 5
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The fibers arising from nucles cuneatus and gralicis pass the contralateral side. This crossing is named as decussatio of medial lemniscus in bulbus) And the fibers travel up by forming medial lemniscus pathway in pons 3-VPL (Ventral posteromedial) in thalamus (These fibers arising from nucleus graclis and cuneatus go to vpl to synapse) At the end, Conscious proprioception sensory go to broadman 3,1,2 to be evaluated with these pathway Stria medullaris (Stria medullaris connects arcuat nucleus with cerebellum. Stria medullaris is included in bulbus) Vestibuler area (There are four vestibular nucleus and two cochlear nucleus) (Anterior and posterior cochlear nucleus are located in pons) (Superior and lateral vestibular nuclei are located in pons) (Inferior and medial vestibular nuclei are located in medulla oblangata)
id: 18601b5ae9ab70e9a75ced0da5f3583c - page: None
Hypoglossus trigone (hypoglassal trigone hemen stria medullarisin altnda onun hemen altnda vagal trigone)(hypoglassal trigone is closer stria medullaris more than vagal trigone)(mor kitapta tam tersi) Vagal trigone (Hypoglassal trigone and vagal trigone are located under the stria medullaris) Obex nferior cerebellar pedincle (it connects bulbus with cerebellum) is not visible clearly in this model but it should be under the stria medullaris Spinal tract of trigeminal nerve can not be seen but it is located in medulla oblangata Trigeminal nerve has three sensory nucleus and a motor nucleus. (Motor nucleus is located in pons) 1-Spinal tract of trigeminal nerve (MO) (Second neuron) (it is regarding with pain, touch, vibratory sense about head and neck) 2-Principal nucleus of trigeminal nerve (Pons) (Second neuron) (it is regarding with vibration sense about head and neck)
id: e913486ccde239b2d86bc6063d22763e - page: None
3-Mesencephelic nucleus of trigeminal nerve (MS) (First neuron) (it is regarding with proprioception sensory about chewing muscles, hard palate, muscle of tongue, gum) 1-Trigeminal ganglion (Pain, touch, vibratory sense about head and neck come trigeminal ganglion)(Trigeminal ganglion is located in temporal bone) 2-Spinal tract of trigeminal nerve in Mo (After trigeminal ganglion, These sensations about head and neck come here and synaps.) 3-Ventral posteromedial nucleus (Vpm) in thalamus, The fibers arising from spinal tract of trigeminal nerve pass the opposite side, they form lemniscus trigeminalis. These fibers go to vpm to synapse These fibers arising from vpm go to broadman 3,1,2 in brain to be evaluated (The same is true for other sensory nuclei) The bottom half of rhomboid fossa is located in medulla oblangata Upper half of rhomboid fossa is located in bulbus Rhomboid fossa forms floor of fourth ventricle
id: d413cdac0ee6952d4dbd32d219e6dd62 - page: None
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