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Once even the maiden Artemis loved a mortal. Endymion. En dym'i on was a shepherd who kept his flocks Fig. 23. Sleeping Endymion. on Mt. Latmos, in Asia Minor. As she drove her chariot across the sky by night, Artemis looked down and saw the youth sleeping. His beauty as he lay drew the moon-goddess to him in love. Each night she left her course to descend to the mountain-top and kiss the shepherd. Her long absences and her paleness when she returned 88 Greek and Roman Mythologyaroused the suspicions of the other Olympians, only too glad to detect a sign of weakness in the cold 'maiden. Wishing to remoVe temptation from her way, Zeus gave
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Endymion his choice between death in any form and perpetual youth with perpetual sleep. Endymion chose the latter, and still he sleeps in his cave on Mt. Latmos, visited each night by the moon-goddess, who silently and sadly kisses his pale cheeks. Nor do his flocks suffer, for Artemis drives them by night to rich pastures and watches over their increase. This story was originally told of Selene, but later the Greeks transferred it to the younger goddess, onon. The giant O ri'on, too, won the affection of Artemis, though perhaps, in this case, she looked upon him rather as a congenial companion in hunting than as a lover. He was a .son of Poseidon and had from his father the power of walking through the sea as easily as he walked on the land. Because he was too hasty in his wooing of a certain girl, her father made him drunk and then put out both his eyes. Finding his way by the sound of the hammers to Hephaestus' forge in Lesbos, he borrowed one of the lame god's assistants to act as
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The brightness of the sun-beams restored his sight, and Orion became a constant companion of Artemis. Apollo disapproved of the friendship, Apollo and Artemis 89 and one day he challenged his sister to hit with her arrow a dark speck that was moving on the water; it was too late when she learned that the mark was Orion's dark head. As she could not restore him to life, she put him in the heavens as a constellation, one of the brightest and most beautiful that we can see. All the winter nights he races across the heavens with his dog, Sirius, at his heels, or he pursues the seven Ple'ia des, maidens changed to stars that one sees all crowded together and pale with fright as they flee. In the summer, Orion appears in the east at dawn, for he loves the dawn-goddess and, great and brilliant as he is, grows pale before her. Artemis appeared under quite a different charHecate, acter as Hec'a te, for that mysterious deity, who is a
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Her dark and mysterious knowledge, such knowledge as sorceresses and witches made use of in their evil charms, came from her association with grave-yards and from the celebration of her worship by night at crossroads, a time and place that open the superstitious mind to impressions of terror and the presence of mysterious powers.15 She was a goddess 15 In New England, at the time of the witchcraft panics, those people suspected of being in league with the Devil were believed to hold their dark and hateful assemblies bymidnight at the cross-roads. 90 Greek and Roman Mythology of triple form; her three faces looked down the three forks of the roads where her statue was often set up. The baying of dogs on moonlight nights was thought to be a warning of her approach. Diana. The Latin goddess Diana was originally a special deity of women. A temple was dedicated to her in a lonely
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