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Nostradamus, dreams and prophecy

Nostradamus' magic circle divination With the help of the number circle, Nostradamus prophesied dignitaries seeking answers to their questions. This prophecy was trusted by Catherine de Medici and her husband. For the prophecy of Nostradamus, you will need a fairly large sheet of paper with any rings, as well as numbers drawn on it in a non-standard order. There is also this online prophecy by Nostradamus. Nostradamus' magic circle consists of numbers from 1 to 21. At first glance, the cells with numbers are arranged in a random order, but the great seer of the Middle Ages saw some hidden meaning in such a sequence of numbers. Nostradamus' prophecy is suitable for receiving yes or no answers. The interpretations needed when divining in the magic circle of Nostradamus have survived to this day. With their help, every person will be able to know their future and get answers to their questions.
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Egg of Nostradamus The egg of Nostradamus is a magic machine with a chair inside an egg made of brass, bronze and copper, soldered with silver wire. Drawings made personally by a medieval astrologer have not survived. The surface of the egg was smooth, and the chair was made of bronze, with a backrest and armrests. The device was made by a master gunsmith. According to legend, the seer traveled through time with the help of an egg. Tradition says that the idea of production did not belong to the seer, but was invented by the Templars. The external appearance of the device is depicted in several engravings and is described in the literature of the seer himself and other authors.
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Of course, Nostradamus actually did not know how to go to the future and the past. He probably didn't mean it literally. The Oracle sealed himself in this egg to disconnect from reality and focus on mentally penetrating the future and making a prediction. He spent a lot of time inside the egg, busy meditating. There are modern techniques to protect against interference from the outside world during occult practices. They are based on the fact that the practitioner must be inside a specific container made of reflective metal. There is a version that the egg is just a part of a certain mechanism developed by the great seers. According to surviving accounts, it was in a separate hall, where even friends and family members of the prophet were not allowed to enter. There is also a legend that the entire house of the alchemist had supernatural properties and resembled some kind of witchcraft machine.
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Zodiac Signs of Nostradamus Nostradamus's horoscope consists of twelve signs of the Zodiac, familiar to everyone. It is worth paying attention to the fact that modern horoscopes have a slightly different approach to the distribution of zodiac signs by date of birth. In the horoscope of the seer, these indicators do not coincide with modern ones. For example, while we considered those born from May 20 to June 18 to be Geminis, it is now customary to consider May 21 to June 20 as the correct segment. This difference is usually insignificant and lasts no more than 4-5 days.
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