Created at 9pm, Jan 5
Exactly What To Say
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EXAMPLES Examples include... Dont worry. Youre bound to be nervous right now. Dont worry, I know you dont know what to do right now, but thats what Im here for. Im here to help you through this process and overcome all the hurdles as they crop up along the way. Dont worry. I felt just the way you feel right now before I started, and look at me now. So, dont worry if youre wondering how youre going to make all these new word choices stick. They will come in time, and you will have soon mastered it after getting a little better from one conversation to the next. Dont worry is particularly useful in high - stress scenarios, when confronted with someone who is panickedit puts people at ease.
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14 Most People These two words, which contain just ten letters, are possibly responsible for more of my negotiating success than any other single strategy I have employed in my businesses. Indecision is the biggest thing that stands in the way of progress, and these words can help jump people out of procrastination in a flash. There are a few things that are worth understanding about people, and these are two big ones. First, people take great confidence from the fact that people like them have made a decision before them and that that decision worked out just fine. Consider this scenario, maybe one you have experienced yourself. On vacation, you see a group of children on top of a rock face looking to jump into the water below, but nobody wants to go first. However, as soon as one person is brave enough to go first and jumps into the water, lands with a splash and doesnt suffer any injury but instead
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Human beings, people, you and Iwe all like to follow others and trust that there is safety in numbers. Second, sometimes people need to be told what to do, but without their permission it can sound rude. I am sure there have been plenty of times that you have wanted to say, What I think you should do is... These two factors create the power in the application of the Magic Words most people. Now when you are faced with a moment when what you want to say is, Look, what I think you should do is this, but you cannot say that because it is kind of obnoxious, instead you can simply state what most people would do in this situation and watch how it changes everything. When you tell people what most people would do, their subconscious brain says, Aha, Im most people, so if that is what most people would do, then perhaps that is what I should do too.
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When you tell people what most people would do, their brain says, Im most people, so perhaps that is what I should do too. EXAMPLES The examples for this are endless: What most people do is complete the forms with me here today. You then receive your welcome pack and we get you booked in for a
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How to Retrieve?
# Search

curl -X POST "" \
-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"rerank": true, "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "zrOztxgQJgXdgP2Y65w0_zIwRrRL5o-WXEk6L-y_z-s", "query": "What is alexanDRIA library?"}'
# Query

curl -X POST "" \
-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"vector": [0.123, 0.5236], "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "zrOztxgQJgXdgP2Y65w0_zIwRrRL5o-WXEk6L-y_z-s", "level": 2}'