Altered Images: Understanding the Influence of Unrealistic Images and Beauty Aspirations
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Podcast for electric cars and possible pollution
Çıtayı Yükseltenler- Kerim Kaya Podcast
Moby Dick - Herman Melville
Oğuz Boyları ve Ongunları
Efe Bulduk Bollinger Bantları Youtube Sunumu
The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Poems by Emily Dickinson, Third Series by Emily Dickinson
The Relationship between Social Media and Empathy
Revolutionizing Healthcare: The Pioneering Role of Artificial Intelligence
Timurlenk'in Hayatı
The Significance of Creation Myths in Turkic Culture:
Jared Diamond - Tüfek, Mikrop ve Çelik
Raising a Child
Bilgi Teknolojisinde Yapay Zeka ve Uygulamaları
Artificial intelligence methods for the diagnosis of breast cancer by image processing: a review
Temel matematik Deneme2
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Akıllı Yatırımcı - Benjamin Graham
An Evolutionary Perspective on Food and Human Taste
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